
How To Change Chat Color In Identity V

A list of tropes relating to the survivors, the hunters, and other major characters in Identity V.

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The Survivors

    In General

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Time of Reunion expansion reveals that the Survivors were unwittingly fed hallucinogenic drugs during their time at the manor, which distorted their perceptions of reality. Any Survivor who managed to survive their game and escape from the manor would eventually lose all memory of their time in the manor. Afterwards, after a certain period of time, they would receive another invitation from the manor, and would be thrust into another game.

    Emma Woods

Emma Woods - The Gardener

Emma was born as Lisa Beck to a factory owner around 1886. Her father made her small toys and treated her well. However, her father was severely in-debt with the factory that he was tricked into buying. He burned himself in the fire after sending Lisa to an orphanage, where she stayed for five years. The orphanage resulted in children suffering psychological trauma, so Lisa was sent away to a clinic. At the clinic, she was operated on by Dr. Lydia Jones. After this, Lisa fled and changed her name to Emma Woods.

Stage Cast: Fujimi Reimi

  • Action Survivor: Has the Veterans trait.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Gives these out to the people/things she becomes attached to. 'Darling' for Mr. Scarecrow, 'my angel' for Emily.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Comes off as being a bit too attached to Emily. She likewise shows zero-interest in Kreacher's advances (though it's not hard to understand why). It is possible, however, that Emma's feelings for Emily may be completely platonic (and/or simply amplified by her damaged psyche and unclear mental issues) or that she may even view her as a substitute maternal figure of sorts.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • Was she sent to Kreacher's orphanage when she was a child, or was she sent to a more well-off orphanage (which, in turn, would explain why her and Kreacher did not appear to be familiar with each other).
      • Kreacher's 2021 Character Day letter heavily implies that she was sent to another orphanage that was also absorbed by the Church.
    • Just how much does she remember about her past? On one hand, at one point she brings up something her father told her and her conversation with Emily raises the implication that she may be aware of the latter's true identity, and remembers her from her time in the asylum. On the other hand, she doesn't appear to remember Freddy (though she was a young child when she met him).
  • Body in a Breadbox: Manages to stuff Mr. Scarecrow, with Kreacher still inside, into a modest-sized suitcase on wheels.
  • Color Motif: In her default costume, green.
  • Cute and Psycho: She's a cute young woman with a perpetual, freckled smile. She has also been in an asylum before, and Emily Dyer remarks that her mental state isn't very good, listing conditions such as 'unhealthy obsessions with certain objects' and hypochondria.
  • Daddy's Girl: Gives off the impression that she was this when she was younger in her deductions.
  • The Dog Bites Back: If she was aware that Kreacher Pierson was inside Mr. Scarecrow, then her burning him to death could qualify as this. Especially since Kreacher tried to assault her earlier.
  • Don't Touch It, You Idiot!: Has a line similar to this when she encounters Lawyer touching belladonna leaves.
  • Love Makes You Evil: The reason why she burns Mr. Scarecrow is because she wants to rejoin Emily, the person she loves, by hoping that the Doctor will see the fire and come to her. The problem is that she might have just burned a live person along with Mr. Scarecrow, and was probably aware of it the entire time.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Burns Mr. Scarecrow, with Kreacher trapped inside, in an attempt to get Emily's attention once the game begins. If she is aware that Kreacher is inside, she might have also done this because he assaulted her at the manor and possibly abused her in the past.
  • Nice Hat: Which she wears in a large amount of her outfits.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Towards Emily Dyer, whom she's very affectionate towards.
  • Parental Substitute: A possible interpretation of how she sees the manor's scarecrow and possibly Emily.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Her character model is always smiling during animations, even when other characters like Freddy or Kreacher act terribly towards her. May cross into Stepford Smiler considering her terrible past and what she's going through because of it.
  • Sanity Slippage: Occurs as the days pass by in the manor, culminating in her stuffing the manor's scarecrow (which the Thief is implied to be hiding in) into her suitcase, and then later burning it so that she can alert the Doctor, who she implores to come to her in an incredibly creepy tone.
  • Series Mascot: Is the current mascot of the game.
  • Third-Person Person: Has a tendency to refer to herself in the third person.
  • Uncertain Doom: We don't know what happened after she burns Mr. Scarecrow, though Doctor definitely didn't come back to her.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus in the story mode, she can be seen being dragged through a corridor by the Hell Ember.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Mr. Scarecrow, and then eventually, to Emily.
  • Verbal Tic: In the stageplay, as well as on the Japanese Twitter account, she uses the sentence ender "nano".
  • Wrench Wench: Even though she's a gardener and not a mechanic, she's still familiar enough with the rocket chairs to dismantle them more effectively.
  • Youthful Freckles

    Freddy Riley

Freddy Riley - The Lawyer

Since a botched lawsuit, Freddy has been toiling away at a menial job with a pathetic wage. But he hopes to find a way to escape his past and live the life he has never had: he dreams of receiving a huge bonus, or an opportunity to become a partner in a law firm. Of course, first he needs to find the culprit who ruined his perfect life.

Stage Cast: Tanaka Toshihiko

  • Action Survivor: Has the Veterans trait.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: In the sense that in the stage play, he doesn't have buck teeth.
  • Amoral Attorney: It turns out he cared more about money and his own selfish desires than he did about the people he called his "friends".
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
  • Color Motif: In his default costume, white.
  • Crusading Widower: Came to the Manor hoping to avenge his wife's death, after being informed that the woman responsible for her death would also be present in the Manor. He appears to succeed.
  • Don't Touch It, You Idiot!: Touches belladonna leaves. Is told off by Gardener.
  • Entitled to Have You: His deductions imply that his reasons for destroying the Beck family in order to have Martha to himself had shades of this. He was more successful than most examples.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For all his faults he did seem to genuinely love Martha Remington.
  • Evil All Along: Didn't really want to team up with Doctor, he only proposed an alliance so he could lure her intro a trap.
    • Is also technically responsible for the existence of Hell Ember and all the suffering that the Gardener had to endure during her life.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Has shades of this - he doesn't have any particular physical ability, but he's pretty good at playing himself up as the hero that will save everyone. This actually benefits the team, raising allies' morale and reducing fear.
  • Foil: To Leo Beck/The Hell Ember. For more details, see the latter's entry below.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: One of the few survivors to wear glasses, and definitely one of the most morally grey.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: And he returns the sentiment. While in Oletus Manor with Emily, Emma, and Kreacher, no one particularly trusts him right off the bat. It might be because he himself refuses to get along with the survivors and has no qualms about treating them rudely. It's worth noting that Emily only agrees to team up with him for a while because if she refuses, he punches her. It's also interesting to compare the way the trope applies to him to how it applies to the Thief. At least for Kreacher, Emma and Emily started out being more split on their opinions on him, since Emily thinks he's disgusting while Emma thinks he might be a nice person (at least, until he freaks her out by coming onto her too strongly).
  • Geek Physique: The tall and skinny variety. It actually affects his ability to vault windows and pallets.
  • Greed: What drives the majority of his actions in his life.
  • Gonk: He isn't exactly the most good looking of the Survivors and the buck teeth don't help.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Claims that meeting Martha caused him to abandon all his previous ethics and morals. It's unclear if this is an accurate statement, however.
  • Karma Houdini: Played with. He's done some bad things in the past, like shamelessly seducing Martha Beck and convincing her husband to buy the military factory that ruined him, leading to a chain of miserable events that completely wrecks the Beck family. In return he's treated to Martha's death and an unsuccessful life living on meager pay, so in a way this trope could have been subverted. In the game itself however, it's played straighter. His time in Oletus Manor has him successfully exact revenge on Emily Dyer by having her attacked by Hell Ember while he gets to escape. Though the question of whether he really survived the game or not is up in the air for now.
    • It should be noted that the married couple who appear in Orpheus' memories, who he claims to be his neighbours, look very similar to Freddy and Martha Remington. Given that it has not yet been made clear what the prize for winning a game is (only that it would seemingly reverse their fortunes), the implications...aren't pleasant. The recap video for the Time of Reunion expansion appears to retcon this, however.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Is described as "chauvinistic" and appears to believe an umbrella he comes across is cursed simply because it is of Eastern origin. His antagonistic relationship with the Thief, furthermore, implies that he also has classist views.
  • Slobs vs. Snobs: His interactions with Kreacher show shades of this.
  • Token Evil Teammate: The most morally gray of the four main survivors. Later forms a team with Emily Dyer just to trick her into being captured by Leo Beck.
  • Uncertain Doom: We don't know what happened to him after he lured Doctor into a trap.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus in the story mode, he can be seen being dragged through a corridor by the Hell Ember.
  • Wicked Cultured: Is able to identify a large number of the mythological figures that the statues in the manor are designed after.

    Emily Dyer

Emily Dyer - The Doctor

She is ambitious and extremely clever yet unobtrusive. But she is not all that she seems. To survive in this crazy world, you have to do something out of the ordinary. Tired of constantly moving around, Emily hopes to use this chance to find a place she can call "home" and ultimately enjoy a life of security and stability, one that she has never had. But before that, she needs to solve a few "problems" from her past.

Emily Dyer (birth name: Lydia Jones), born in a middle-class family, did not feel stable. Growing up, she tasted the changes and displacements of life. She grew tired of the life of relocating and wanted to find a stable life. She was eager for stability and security. But often, the normal state of life is to ask for nothing. The originally clever and lovely Emily slowly became dull and weak. Her original lovely big eyes were gradually lost from the glory of the past. She wanted to survive in this cold world, but she became ambitious, cold, and greedy.

In order to make ends meet she performed illegal practices, which lead to a woman's death, and forced her to change her identity and go on the run.

Stage Cast: Suzuki Mayuri

  • Accidental Murder: Implied to have accidentally caused Martha Remington's death when she left the operating room during an illegal surgery.
  • Action Survivor: Has the Veterans trait.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Referred to constantly as 'my angel' by Emma Woods.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Older, mature, and level-headed, especially compared to Emma.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Although she's honest about wanting to help Emma and generally seems like a nice person, she has easily shows her intense dislike of Kreacher Pierson, albeit in a passive-aggressive way. When he suffers a bad fall and she has to treat him, she's apathetic about it and dumps majority of the healing task on Emma. In her diary, she constantly writes about how she's fine with the thought of Kreacher disappearing or getting hurt.
  • Color Motif: In her default costume, blue and white.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Her Holy Angel skin gives her an entirely white appearance, from giving her silvery hair to replacing her eyes with stark white buttons.
  • Killed Off for Real: Presumably captured by Leo Beck after being lured outside of Minerva Arms Factory by the Lawyer.
  • Lured into a Trap: Freddy Riley, the Lawyer, gets her to investigate outside so Leo Beck has the opportunity to jump out and surprise her.
  • My Greatest Failure: Seems to regard losing her eligibility as a doctor (because of Martha Remington's death) as this. She tries to make amends by helping Emma Woods with her mental illness.
  • Murder by Mistake: Killed Martha Beck when trying an illegal medical procedure to save her.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Shares the surname 'Dyer' with Amelia Dyer, a nurse who was also a prolific serial killer from Victorian Britain. 'Emily' and 'Amelia' even sound similar to each other.
  • Only Sane Woman: She doesn't actively seek trouble and only ends up in troublesome situations because of Emma, Freddy, and/or Kreacher's actions.
  • Stone Wall: She's slower than other characters when vaulting, but the fact that she can heal herself infinitely means that she's hard to put down.
  • Team Mom: Of the first group of Survivors. In the stageplay, she is this to the Survivors as a whole.
  • The Medic: Of course. She has infinite syringes, and heals people faster.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: In her backstory. She started out as a kind and hopeful young woman who simply wished to help people. Difficulties in preserving her chance at a stable life, and the choices she made to ensure it was still possible, led to her becoming a colder person.
    • Took a Level in Idealism: By the time the game begins, she has realised just how far she had fallen and appears to be seeking a chance to atone for her past mistakes by helping the Gardener with her mental illness.
  • True Blue Femininity: The distinctive blue of her shawl stands out in her all-white default attire. She also appears more traditionally feminine with her skirt, neat bun, non-offensive skills, and delicate physique.
  • Uncertain Doom: Her diary cuts off just as she is attacked by Leo Beck.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus in the story mode, she can be seen being dragged through a corridor by the Hell Ember.

    Kreacher Pierson

Kreacher Pierson - The Thief

When the church wanted to open an orphanage on White Sand Street, Mr. Pierson generously handed over his business and land to the church. The compensation was significant, but for Mr. Pierson, not enough to build a new orphanage. Looks like he needs to make up the difference somehow... But perhaps he should find himself a nice partner first?

Stage Cast: Ishikawa Ryutaro

  • Abhorrent Admirer: A personality-wise example towards Emma Woods.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Occasionally refers to himself in the third person and seems to experiences mood swings, if Emma's entries in her diary are any indication.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Hoo boy...
    • It is known that he used the children in his orphanage to help him rob innocent people, and that a large number of the children were both physically disabled and suffering from mental illnesses. It's possible that he crippled the children himself (or ended up getting them crippled during attempts at stealing possessions) and that his philanthropic nature was just an act to hide the fact that he was exploiting innocent children for his own gain.
    • There's also the matter of his exact relationship with the children in the orphanage. Robbie's deductions imply that he was cruel to the children and likely played a large role in damaging their psyches. On the other hand, certain add-odds contain details that he would occasionally try and raise the children's moods through whatever means he could. The canonicity of these add-ons is questionable, though.
    • Robbie's 2021 Character Day letter implies that he may have beaten some of the children if they didn't earn enough money from begging on the streets. If this is indeed the case, was him doing so him taking his anger out on children through physically violent means, or was it was a (twisted) example of Tough Love and Deliberate Values Dissonance being put in play?
      • Further complicating matters is him calling Dolores and Robbie "helpers" and recalling how the former's broken arm could have made him a fortune were it not for the Church absorbing his orphanage in his 2021 Character Day letter, which also served as an extended version of one of his entries in his manor diary (something he likely would have no real reason to blend the truth in).
    • Following The Reveal in the Time of Reunion expansion that the survivors are given hallucinogenic drugs that distort their perceptions of reality, a lot of his behaviour in Emma's Diary can be called into question. On one hand, Emma's fragile mental state does make it likely that she may have hallucinated events, especially if she was also heavily drugged. On the other hand, both Kreacher and Emily's Diaries confirm that Kreacher did indeed have an Entitled to Have You attitude towards Emma, with the former even detailing Kreacher's attempts to take advantage of her fragile mental state.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Heavily implied to be the truth of his character, in his character deductions.

    Kreacher: People tend to trust kind souls, so I am trying to be one.

    • A more specific example of him being this is his behavior towards Emma. He initially acts friendly to her but flips out when she rejects him.
  • Blinded by the Light: His default item is the flashlight which allows for him to temporarily stun Hunters if he shines it in their face for long enough.
  • Body in a Breadbox: Is stuffed in a trunk/suitcase by Gardener, and later burned.
  • Color Motif: In his default costume, brown.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Willing to dress up as a scarecrow just to be with Emma Woods, even after she rejects him. Gets angry when he catches her spending time with Emily Dyer.
  • Entitled to Have You: His attitude to the Gardener.

    Kreacher: I must make her understand... make her understand who is better. Not a scarecrow, nor a doctor. Only me. It can only be me.

  • Evil Is Petty: Steals Lawyer's dinner set on their first day at the manor just to mock him.
  • Evil Orphan: The Oletus Manor Investigation Report reveals that he himself was once an orphan.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: He is, of course, the Thief. He improves the team's lockpicking skill, he is surprisingly agile, and has an improved flashlight for when he has to escape from a Hunter.
  • Framing the Guilty Party: Bakes a belladonna pie after seeing Lawyer touch the belladonna leaves, in order to make it seem like Lawyer was trying to kill them. While Lawyer may not have been the one who baked the pie, he is a pretty evil person who is at the manor for his own nefarious schemes.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: While he isn't much of a friend, he is still a teammate to the Gardener, Doctor, and Lawyer... Except that all of them come to hate him to the point that Gardener straight up kills him.
  • Killed Off for Real: Burned to death by Gardener shortly after the game begins. Maybe.
  • Lower-Class Lout: Considers himself to be low-class.
  • Lured into a Trap: Either Lawyer or Gardener tampered with a rotting handrail and placed a gold coin under it, resulting in Thief leaning to pick up the coin and falling from the second floor balcony.
  • Manipulative Bastard: If you presume he is purely motivated by self-interest then his Character Day letter to the Bishop Duke, imploring him to transfer patients to his new asylum, definitely classifies him as this.
  • Meaningful Name: His name sounds exactly like "creature". Fitting, considering his mannerisms and nature.
  • Mismatched Eyes: Implying that he either has heterochromia or a fake or substitute eye (though pictures of him before he entered the manner implied that he has both eyes).
  • Named After Someone Famous: Shares the surname 'Pierson' with Arthur Tappan Pierson, a man who wrote the biography of George Muller, a Christian philanthropist and missionary, credited with opening a large number of orphanages, and who possessed a reputation as a liar and a thief prior to becoming a born again Christian.
  • Not Good with Rejection: See Would Hit a Girl below.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Is shown to be aware of the Doctor's true identity far before the Lawyer discovers it.
  • Slobs vs. Snobs: His interactions with the Lawyer show shades of this.
  • Sticky Fingers: He can "steal parts" when decoding. This means that, if he's on the team, decoding Cipher Machines will be harder.
  • Uncertain Doom: Following certain revelations in the Time of Reunion expansion, it is ambiguous whether he truly was inside the scarecrow when Emma stuffed it in her truck and later burned it or if he did indeed manage to escape.
    • Worth noting is the text that appears on screen before his Diary officially begins: Kreacher should've done better.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Punches Gardener after she rejects him. Later chases her out of the dining room.

    Lucky Guy

Lucky Guy - The Deduction Substitute

Not much is known about Lucky Guy's past. Lucky Guy has been extremely lucky in the past and many people view his life as a slot machine in which he always hits jackpot. Seeing how lucky he is, he decided to partake in the game held at Oletus Manor, relying entirely on luck to let him win.

Stage Cast: Tachibana Ryou

  • Action Survivor: Has the Veterans trait.
  • Born Lucky: His defining ability. He's able to manually select certain items from a chest, increasing his odds of receiving it. No wonder that his Danganronpa costume is none other than the Ultimate Lucky Student, Makoto Naegi.
  • Butt-Monkey: Can be this if you consider his seemingly timid disposition. He also has a Maid Outfit skin (complete with makeup), wherein his animation for it makes it clear that he feels incredibly embarrassed about it.
  • The Everyman: He's a low-risk character that lacks a debuff and is good for beginner players who want to get a feel for the game. He's also the simplest character in terms of appearance.
  • Fashion Dissonance: Wears clothes that are more suited for modern times (t-shirt, jeans, rubber shoes) among characters who're dressed from older eras.
  • Jack-of-All-Trades: While he doesn't have any special buffs, he doesn't have any debuffs either, making him a well-rounded character.
  • Mysterious Stranger: Nothing is known about his name, past, or career.

    William Ellis

William Ellis - The Forward

Rugby football is attracting attention, but William Ellis, who claims to be the founder of this new sport, is being forgotten. He joined a small rugby club, but not everything went his way. Can the owner of Oletus Manor help him?

  • Ambiguously Brown: Has darker skin than the majority of the other survivors, but his ethnicity is unclear. The man the character is based on was white, so it's unclear if this is an example of Race Lift and Politically Correct History, or if he is merely heavily tanned.
  • The Big Guy: Has a more muscular build compared to the other survivors.
  • Dumb Jock: Servais thinks of him this way (at least according to Kurt).
  • Gentle Giant: Bigger than the other Survivors, but very timid in cutscenes.
  • He Knows Too Much: Presumably. He saw (or at least believes he saw) the Magician kill his mentor, John, by tampering with the chains at a magic show and later overhears Magician and Mercenary talking. Not long after he is seemingly poisoned after eating the corpse of Murro's boar, and drinking wine offered to him by the Mercenary, who is believed to have been acting on the Magician's orders.
    • The Magician's Character Diary reveals that this was not actually the case. In truth, his death was a complete accident on Servais' part.
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on William Webb Ellis, the creator of rugby.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Downplayed. He can still decode ciphers, but his decoding speed has been decreased by 30%.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Athletically gifted and monstrously strong. He's one of the only survivors who can stun a hunter. Players also prefer to use him if they want to focus on more active things like kiting and rescuing.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Physically the strongest among the survivors. Just as helpless as the rest of them when up against a hunter.
  • Older Than They Look: The Oletus Manor Investigation Report reveals that, despite his rather youthful physique, especially in comparison to the fellow survivors from his game, and association with college football, William is actually 28 years old (and therefore older than two-out-of-three of the survivors from his game).
  • Too Dumb to Live: Despite being fully aware Magician and Mercenary are likely up to something sinister, he follows Mercenary's advice and has some wine with his dinner. It doesn't go so well.
    • If you believe that the Mercenary had nothing to do with his death, then him cooking and eating a boar that had been left out in the snow, without even considering the possibility that its body may have been poisoned or diseased, still paints him as this.
    • With the truth about his apparent death being revealed following the release of the Magician's Diary, we can now say for certain that he really should have known better than to drink from a glass filled with wine that just so happened to be present in the kitchen, without even considering that something might be off about the whole situation.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Wine.
  • Uncertain Doom: His Diary ends with him seemingly being poisoned. However, it is unclear if he died. Worth noting is the fact that the final diary entry specifically states that the rest of William's writing couldn't be understood, possibly hinting that whatever he ate or drank may not have killed him (immediately or at all).
  • Unreliable Narrator: His Character Diary implies that the Magician and Mercenary were working together, and may have conspired together to murder him. The Magician's Diary reveals that not only are the Magician and the Mercenary not working together (and in truth are actually opposed to each other) but his poisoning (and apparent death) was actually a complete accident on Servais' part.

    Servais Le Roy

Servais Le Roy - The Magician

Servais Le Roy began his magic career in Belgium and moved to London to open his own magic shop. Despite his proficiency in disappearing tricks, he has not gained approval from the public. In Oletus Manor, which has produced countless famous artists, could he find some new inspiration?

  • Accidental Murder: While waiting for the right time to investigate the frozen boar outside the manor, Servais, fed up with being bothered by a rat in the manor, decides to poison a glass of wine he had prepared for himself and leave it out for the rats. The thought that another Survivor may come across the wine and decide to drink it, apparently never crossed Servais' mind, and by the time that William brings up the idea of drinking wine together while working on their diaries, Servais is so focused on discovering what is hidden inside the boar that he neglects to consider the idea that William may have taken the wine he had intended to be used to poison the rat.
    • It's also possible that he may have accidentally caused his mentor's death, by deciding to fiddle with, or double-check, the props before the show began, only to be distracted by a child that had snuck backstage.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • His reason for wanting to find Murro/The Wildling after Murro seemingly escapes from the manor. Is Servais responsible for Murro's disappearance, and just wants to get rid of the evidence, or did he actually come to the manor searching for Murro, and is just as in the dark about Murro's disappearance as the other Survivors seemingly are.
      • His 2020 Character Day letter implies that he did indeed come to Oletus Manor searching for someone, on orders from Baron DeRoss (who has previously been implied to be the lord of the manor, which just makes the situation even more complicated).
      • His Diary reveals it to be the latter.
    • What role, if any, did he play in William/The Forward's implied death? Was he responsible for William getting poisoned (possibly through the use of the Mercenary) or was William's death completely unintentional on his part? If Servais is indeed responsible, what reason did he have for poisoning William? Was he merely trying to get rid of the other Survivors, or was he aware that William knew he was responsible for his mentor's death, and was simply silencing a loose end? His Character Diary reveals that, while he was technically responsible for William's death, it was entirely unintentional on his part.
    • His 2020 Character Day letter to Baron DeRoss throws everything previously thought to have been known about him into question. Did he indeed murder his mentor (and is just lying to Baron DeRoss when he claims that what happened was an accident)? Or was his mentor's death truly an accident, and Servais simply decided to reap the rewards that came about as a result of the event. The Forward's diary reveals that William is convinced that Servais murdered his mentor yet, on close inspection, nothing in the Magician's deductions imply that his mentor's death was planned in advance. When William saw Servais tinkering with the chain, was he sabotaging the equipment, or was he just preparing an act, and ended up getting distracted when he noticed William spying on him?
  • Disproportionate Retribution: His mentor refused to let him perform tricks on stage, instead keeping him in the role of a magician's assistant, and only allowing him to perform card tricks. Resentful and enraged at this, Servais eventually killed his mentor in order to inherit his reputation. Unless you believe that he is telling the truth in his Character Day letter.
  • Faux Affably Evil: A well-meaning Magician on the outside, a cold-hearted killer on the inside.
    • The trope still applies if you believe that he is feigning innocence in his Character Day letter.
  • Good All Along: Maybe. While the question of his mentor's death is still up in the air, and he does come off as a bit foul-tempered at times, his Character Diary ultimately reveals that he had nothing to do with Murro's disappearance, nor did he intentionally murder William.
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on Servais Le Roy, a Belgian magician, illusion designer and businessman.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: As far as we know the real Servais Le Roy was a decent man and honest magician. The Magician, on the other hand, is (presumably) a deceitful and manipulative monster, who murdered his own mentor in order to inherit his role and reputation. Possibly subverted following the release of his 2020 Character Day letter and Diary.
  • Invisibility: Can turn himself invisible at will. The only problem is that, if he's hit while invisible, he gets immediately downed.
  • Jerkass: Insults both the Forward and the Explorer, and doesn't bother being friendly with the Mercenary.
    • While his Character Diary implies that he was Good All Along, and shows him being civil with Kurt, along with having an understandable reason for being unfriendly to Naib, he nevertheless refers to William as "annoying" in his diary, despite the latter seemingly being nothing but friendly to him.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Appears to have killed his own mentor because he wouldn't let him perform tricks on stage and presumably had the Forward killed because he knew too much. Except not really.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: If you believe that the Forward is a man of colour, the Magician (apparently) dubbing him a "simple-minded barbarian" may have a double meaning. That is if you assume that Kurt isn't an Unreliable Narrator.
  • Sketchy Successor: Inherited his mentor's role and reputation. Said mentor is implied to have been killed by Servais. Furthermore, while his deductions do imply that he achieved a reasonable amount of fame, his character background includes the detail that he has not yet gained the approval of the public.
  • Stage Magician: It's in the name, after all.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Of the second group. Possibly.
    • Seemingly subverted following the release of his Diary.

    Kurt Frank

Kurt Frank - The Explorer

Kurt is an experienced explorer, passionate about exploring the limits of humanity. He has sailed across the English Channel, flown over old-growth forests in a hot air balloon, and, of course, joined a life-or-death game. As a master of survival, maybe he has a good shot at winning?

The adventurer Kurt-Frank was born in Yorkshire, England. After he was born, he moved with his parents and immigrated. He went from England to Italy, then to France, and back to the UK, constantly moving through a variety of adult travelers. This unique experience made Kurt feel like a migratory bird, forming a typical escaped personality, and it was difficult to concentrate. Every day, he was obsessed with reading novels about ancient artifacts and expeditions, such as the classic Gulliver's Travels. He always thought that he was a great adventurer.

The adventurer Kurt is good at sailing and hot air balloon driving, and because he had been reading Gulliver's Travels, he goes out almost every day. He brings the book with him since Kurt wants to be as small as the protagonist.

  • Ambiguous Situation: His "vanquishing" of a "dragon" that he claims/believes to have encountered. Did this event happen during his time as a soldier (if so, was this the catalyst for him being committed to the White Sand Street Asylum)? Or did it happen at the Manor (given that we don't yet know how Murro's boar was killed...)
    • Just how trustworthy is he in both William and Servais' diaries? In the Forward's diary he describes Servais as a Jerkass who has spent almost his entire time at the manor asking questions about Murro, and had furthermore called him crazy and dubbed William a "simple-minded barbarian". Servais never outright calls Kurt crazy during the Magician's diary, and the worst thing he, intentionally, does to William is call him annoying when writing in his diary. Furthermore, it is actually Kurt who starts most of Servais' conversations about Murro. Is all of this an implication that Kurt may have hallucinated Servais saying all these things? Did Servais merely choose to omit certain details from his diary, and did indeed do everything Kurt claimed? Or does Kurt potentially have an ulterior motive, and wanted William to be suspicious of Servais?
    • There is also the matter of him stabbing Servais if the latter refuses to listen to him. Is it a sign that he may have become violent sometime following his release from the asylum? Or is him stabbing Servais what Servais, or even Orpheus, believes he would have done if Servais refused to listen to him?
  • All-Loving Hero: As evidenced in his Valentine's Day quote.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: If Servais refuses to hear what he has to say in the Magician's Character Diary, Kurt will become frustrated and stab Servais.
  • Bold Explorer: Or so he believes.
  • Constantly Curious: He's very curious about how the Cipher Machines work. This is a bad thing, because it means he's prone to distract himself, making decoding ciphers harder.
  • The Gambling Addict: Allegedly joined a jockey club, and frequently bet on horse races, during his university years, in an attempt to cope with his rather miserable life. He eventually ended up losing all of his living expenses, and was forced to abandon his studies and join the army.
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: Can shrink himself by reading his Gulliver's Travels book and imagining that he's a Lilliputian. This makes him undetectable by radars, but prevents him from doing various actions.
  • Loon with a Heart of Gold: Despite his mental illness, he is a very friendly person.
  • The Mentally Disturbed: His Character Day letter reveals that he suffers from Delusional Schizophrenia and is unable to distinguish his delusions from reality. It is implied that the majority of his "adventures" are actually his delusional fantasies.
  • Nice Guy: A lot of his lines show that he is a friendly person.
  • Through the Eyes of Madness: His past "adventures"
  • Younger Than They Look: The Oletus Manor Investigation Report lists his age as 25. His beard makes him look slightly older.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Following the implication that all of his stories are just fantasies that he believes to be true, his in-game abilities count as this.

    Naib Subedar

Naib Subedar - The Mercenary

Although not tall and physically strong, Naib is like most Gurkhas, and the rugged terrain has trained their strong body and indomitable spirit. Naib used to be a mercenary for the East India Company, but because he believed in the idea of ​​equality for human beings, his dislike of war reached its peak and refused to sell for the British. He then became a free mercenary, but he has long since left his bloodthirsty life after retirement. Perhaps a dangerous game can give him the same experience on the battlefield?

Stage Cast: Saikawa Koji

  • Action Survivor: His 2021 Character Day letter confirms that he managed to survive an encounter with the Gamekeeper, and seemingly win his game.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: In contrast to the game where he is The Stoic, he is a Hot-Blooded Jerk with a Heart of Gold in the stageplay.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Naib's exact relationship with Servais/The Magician is deliberately left unclear in the Forward's Diary. Is Naib The Heavy, acting under Servais' orders, and the one responsible for the Forward's death? Or does he have his own agenda (as hinted by Servais verbally expressing his suspicions after Naib decides to put the corpse of Murro's boar back outside). For that matter, is he even responsible for the Forward's death in the first place?
    • The Magician's diary reveals that, not only is he not allied with the Magician, but he also had nothing to do with William's death.
  • Anti-Villain: A Professional Killer who might have been responsible for the death and/or disappearance of one of the more innocent Survivors in the game who, nevertheless, believes in the idea of equality and values (or possibly once valued) the importance of companions.
  • Big Eater: Some of his appearances in official posters have shown him eating a lot.
  • Blood Knight: Allegedly. He is said to have lived a bloodthirsty life and came to the manor on the belief that the game being held there would give him the same experience to that of the battlefield.
  • Bouncing Battler: Downplayed - he's skilled with the elbow pads, which allow him to bounce off a wall. This isn't an attack and doesn't cause any damage - but it grants him a speed boost.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Is of Nepalese descent, but his skin is as pale as his fellow Survivors of British origin.
  • Covered in Scars: As seen in his "Infected" and "Parasite" skins.
  • Determinator: He normally (see Shell-Shocked Veteran below) has exceptional willpower that allows him to resist fear and not panic when strapped to a rocket chair (which gives him more time to be rescued). Additionally, when he's attacked, he flat-out ignores the damage for 15 seconds.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: A mercenary who may have murdered a fellow Survivor, but who nevertheless cares deeply about his mother. His 2021 Character Day letter implies that he had either his monetary winnings from his game or payment from his employer sent to her.
  • In the Hood: Wears a hood in his default appearance.
  • Kukris Are Kool: His B-Tier accessory, Gurkha Blade.
  • Little Bit Beastly: In his "Cheshire Cat" skin, he has cat ears and a tail.
  • Military Rank Names: His name, Naib Subedar, is a military rank used in the Indian and Pakistan Army.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: His deductions, which reveal that he once carried an unconscious fellow soldier to safety and valued the importance of companions, imply that he had this attitude during his time as a Gurkha.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Forward sees him leaving the front steps of the manor and heading towards the dining room, and takes the opportunity to check the boar outside. After only a second of examining the boar, Mercenary inexplicably appears behind Forward and tells him to go back inside.
  • Professional Killer: Previously worked as a mercenary for the East India Company, before becoming a freelance mercenary.
    • His 2020 Character Day letter implies that the claim that he had retired from his job as a mercenary was a lie, and that, while at the manor, he was acting under the orders of Arthur Russell.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: In his "Hound" skin. Downplayed as he is an Anti-Villain at worst.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: The sound of cipher machines triggers his PTSD and can make him panic. He mostly keeps it under control, but it heavily affects his deciphering speed.
    • One of his quotes in the 2020 Deduction Star Event confirms that his participation in the war traumatised him.
  • Sole Survivor: Though his 2021 Character Day letter confirms that a fellow Survivor managed to escape with him, Naib is the only named Survivor to have been officially confirmed to have survived their game.
  • The Stoic: Never appears to raise his voice, and keeps a calm and professional attitude during his time in the manor.
  • Wound That Will Not Heal: Because of refractory wounds, he has a longer healing time than other Survivors.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In his "Cheshire Cat" skin.

    Martha Behamfil

Martha Behamfil - The Coordinator

Martha was good at riding and shooting when she was young and attained the rank of captain after joining the cavalry. Not content to just gallop on horseback, Martha learned basic piloting skills and fell in love with flying. She quit her position in the cavalry and joined the Air Force. However, instead of becoming a pilot, as she had wished, Martha was required to perform signal guide work on the ground. To fly her own plane, she has to find a reliable "sponsor".

Stage Cast: Yamada Miki

  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • Martha's lover, who her mother seemed to approve of, appeared to die in a glider accident during a misty night. It was Martha's job to light up the airport with her flare gun. An earlier deduction gives the impression that Martha found her job as a signal guider to be dull, and chose to slip away from the work. It is unknown if these incidents occurred simultaneously. Another deduction potentially hints that Henry, Martha's lover, may have had sexist views, which Martha would not have taken kindly to. It is unknown if Martha merely failed to perform her role and accidentally caused her lover's death, or if she flat-out murdered her lover, possibly with the use of her flare gun.
      • A reward from the Kurt's Wondrous Journeys event states that the crash was an accident.
    • Her 2020 Character Day letter calls everything about her pre-established background and character into question.
    • The Geisha's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that Michiko's husband Miles was working with an associate with the surname of Behamfil. It is unclear if Martha was the one in contact with Miles (and had potentially come to the manor to help him find his wife), if Martha's father, or another one of her relatives, was the person in contact with Miles, or, given the implications from Martha's 2021 Character Day letter, Martha stole this person's identity or last name as part of her disguise.
  • Feminine Mother, Tomboyish Daughter: Martha's mother was insistent that her daughter adhere to gender roles set out by society. Despite her mother's best efforts, Martha gravitated to more traditionally masculine activities, choosing to wear military uniforms and attempting to become a cavalry captain, and later pilot.
  • Flare Gun: Her item of choice.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "bitter". A fitting name considering her frustration with the expectations thrusted on her by her mother and the gender norms of the time.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Gains a major debuff as long as a teammate is on the rocket chair.
  • Vague Age: Cannot be served alcohol by Demi, which would imply that she is under 20. However, it is also possible that her job doesn't allow her to drink alcohol.
    • The Oletus Manor Investigation Report confirms that she is 20 years old. Although, given the implications present in her Character Day letter...

    Tracy Reznik

Tracy Reznik - The Mechanic

Having been wrapped up in her "useless" little inventions and obsessed with gunpowder experiments, the Mechanic Tracy was soon in debt because of the high cost of these experiments. The invitation letter promised a golden prize, but what truly attracted Tracy were the secret gadgets in the manor…

Stage Cast: Tsuboi Miku

  • Ambiguous Situation: Her father's death in an explosion that occurred at his clock shop. Was he murdered by one of his rivals? Did he commit suicide by setting his clock shop on fire, so his family could receive life insurance money and pay off his debt? Did Tracy, who is noted to have been obsessed with gunpowder experiments, have something to do with her father's death (and, if so, did she intend to kill him)?
    • Her official extended backstory (seen in full here) implies that the explosion that killed Tracy's father was actually caused by his rivals, and that Tracy's gunpowder experiments were potentially either her attempting to uncover whether or not the official statement given to her father's untimely death (as well as the cause of the explosion in the clock shop) held up or her going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against her father's rivals and/or suppliers.
    • There is also the matter of her debts. Did her father legitimately not compensate his suppliers, or were his suppliers working with Mark's rivals, and made up claims about unpaid debts so as to ensure that Tracy would sell her work to her father's rivals?
  • Boyish Short Hair
  • Child Prodigy: She proved to be so talented of a mechanic and inventor, that her work ended up replacing her father's in his clock shop.
  • Connected All Along: Bonbon's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that her father and Burke were acquaintances and that Tracy helped contribute to the construction of one of Burke's machines, heavily implied to be Bonbon himself.
    • If this is indeed the case, it is quite likely that Bonbon inspired the creation of her personal bot.
  • For Science!: Came to the manor not just for the promises of riches, but also the chance to examine and studies the various devices there.
  • Riches to Rags: Her constant money-spending for her personal projects has led to her inheritance dwindling. By the time she received the invitation to attend a game at the manor, Tracy had found herself in debt.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Her father's bot, which she kept developing after her father's mysterious death.
    • There is also her Pocket Watch (stopped at the time of the explosion) and her Harmonica (the first invention she created with her father) accessories.
  • Wrench Wench: Has access to presumably self-created remote-controlled robots.

    Helena Adams

Helena Adams - The Mind's Eye

Helena is a blind woman that had lost her vision during an epidemic of a serious disease. Due to her condition, her hearing had improved exceptionally, allowing her to use her cane similar to how creatures use echolocation. Her blindness does not bring her down, though, as she often excels her educational classes and is planning to enroll in college. However, with insufficient funds, she takes part in the 'game' at Orpheus Manor in hopes of winning the grand prize.

Stage Cast:Kawakami Eriko

  • Action Survivor: Is moreso this than the other survivors (barring Naib) due to her possibly winning her game.
  • Aura Vision: Her ability enables her to reveal the Hunter's location to all Survivors including herself.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest Survivor, at the age of 19.
  • Daddy's Girl: It is very clear in her deductions that her father loved very much and was nothing but proud of her.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "bright, shining light" in Greek. Though this may seem ironic, considering her disability, it is actually appropriate when one acknowledges her skill and determination.

    Helena: Though the world is only black and white, I still hope others can see me shine bright.

  • Named After Someone Famous: Based on Helen Adams Keller, the first blind-deaf person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.
  • Nice Girl: On top of being one of the few Survivors to not be morally ambiguous.
  • Obfuscating Disability: Not her blindness, which is definitely genuine. However, her deductions imply that, at the suggestion of her tutor, she pretended to also be deaf, in an attempt to, as Sullivan seems to put it, become a "miracle that will never again be replicated". These apparent rumours only confused her father, who had always seen his daughter display excellent hearing abilities.
  • Sole Survivor: May have been the one to ultimately win the game she participated in.
  • Spoiled Sweet: She is stated to be a compassionate person and according to her deductions, her father showered her with toys whenever she was upset.
  • Sweet Tooth: Her bio states that she likes sweet things.

    Fiona Gilman

Fiona Gilman - The Priestess

Fiona Gilman was born into an unknown class, interested in occultism and geography. She was a mystic and claimed to be a faithful believer in the time and space of Cthulhu mythology, Yog-Sothoth. When she was traveling, Gilman always carried a weird metal ring with her. She claimed that the Lord led her to the manor, but no one believes her.

Stage Cast: Peach.

  • Ambiguously Evil: A priestess with an interest in the occult, who was studying a village home to what was basically a religious cult, and whose residents mysteriously vanished, and who claims to have been guided to the manor by a spirit. That being said, nothing present in her deductions implies that she's a bad person.
    • Her 2021 Character Day letter implies that she may be far more aware of what is actually of what is truly going on at Oletus Manor than the other survivors. That said, it is still unclear on just what it is she is up to.
  • Bare Your Midriff: In her "Misfortune" skin.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Instead of wearing shoes, she has straps on her feet.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Implied to have seen a vision of the apocalypse in her deductions.
  • Expy: Shares the surname "Gilman" with the protagonist of The Dreams in the Witch House who shares her desire to combine the ideas of science with the supernatural and comes into contact with a supernatural creature connected to Human Sacrifice (something Fiona may also have gone through, following The Reveal that she was interested in the traditions of Lakeside Village). In the story, the protagonist learns a formula that allows him to make wormholes which Fiona's portals are similar to.
    • Alternatively, she could also be an expy of the protagonist of The Shadow Over Innsmouth as both of them are interested in studying villages with possible ties with the supernatural located near bodies of water. It should also be noted that during his visit to Innsmouth, the protagonist stayed at the Gilman hotel.
  • Fiery Redhead: Subverted. While she does have red hair, she is one of the calmer Survivors.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: In her deductions, it is stated that she has red hair. In her official artwork, it appears as more of a hot pink color.
  • In the Hood: In most of her skins.
  • Lady And A Scholar: She is interested in studying geography and the occult and holds manners in high regard.
  • Magic Versus Science: When Fiona was young, her parents separated as a result of differences in their belief systems and each of them believed they should teach their daughter. Fiona's father was interested in occultism and superstitions, while her mother viewed religion in a negative light and chose to view the world through facts and theories. Fiona decided to Take a Third Option and come to her own conclusions about the world worked.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A lot of her skins (including her default one) are fairly revealing.
  • Spirited Young Lady: Studying the occult isn't what one would typically view as traditionally feminine and as shown in one of her Deduction Star lines, Fiona can be quite vocal about the people she dislikes. That being said, she is still very polite and well-mannered.
  • Thinking Up Portals
  • "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl: Implied in several of her deduction targets.

    Young Fiona: Will I, with my dim-witted mind, be able to rise to my mother's expectations?

  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In her skins, her hair has been gray, pink, purple along with many other colors.

    Vera Nair

Vera Nair - The Perfumer

A famous perfumer from Grasse. After years of searching, she received inspiration from a mysterious perfume recipe and created 'Euphoria', a perfume that helps you to forget about your worries. Unfortunately, the aroma doesn't last long enough. She has no other choice but to go to the source of the formula and find a way to improve it. Hopefully the owner of the manor can help her to relieve all of her worries.

  • Angsty Surviving Twin: With the added twist of being responsible for said twin's death.
  • Becoming the Mask: By the time she discovered her sister's true intentions, she had already become accustomed to her life as Vera Nair.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: To a certain degree. She is said to possess talent that perfumers can only dream of, but was looked down on by nearly everyone, including her father, for her strange behavior, which prevented her from going into business. Her twin sister on the other hand...
  • Dead Person Impersonation: She isn't actually Vera Nair, but rather her twin sister Chloe Nair. Chloe killed the real Vera and assumed her identity.
  • Evil Twin: She's really the murderous Chloe Nair.
  • Ironic Name: Her name means "truth". That being said, it begins to make more sense when one remembers that it is not her true name.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She mistakenly believed that her sister was taking advantage of her by stealing and taking credit for her perfume designs. She later discovered that her sister had been trying to help her. Unfortunately she only discovered this after she had murdered her sister and stolen her identity. Her reasons for coming to the Manor are so she can find a way to erase her bad memories and bury the grief and sorrow that now plagues her mind.
  • Older Than They Look: The Oletus Manor Investigation Report reveals that she is 30.

    Kevin Ayuso

Kevin Ayuso - The Cowboy

A cowboy from the North America who befriended a young girl from a native American tribe when he was younger and learned how to use the lasso. Many years later, he was saved by the native Americans when he suffered misfortune and the passionate Kevin Alonso remained with the tribe. But good things never last and the tribe died out. He didn't want to stay, so he decided to roam the European continent.

Stage Cast: Tanaka Kouhei

  • Accomplice by Inaction: Being unwilling to avenge his friend's death by exacting vengeance on his parents, or protect the tribe that took him in from the other settlers, is heavily implied to be the reason why he does not believe he can be considered a good man.
  • Does Not Like Men: Decodes slower with male teammates, and will not block damage for them.
  • Dulcinea Effect: Heavily implied to be the result of his failure to protect his childhood friend.
  • Facial Markings: Has on face paint, most likely in memory of the tribe that took him in.
  • Instant Knots: Can tie his lasso perfectly around a teammate from pretty far away.
  • Licensed Sexist: Only protects the person he's carrying if they're female.
    • Decoding with females also gives him a decoding buff, while deciding with males "bores" him, reducing his speed.
  • My Greatest Failure: His failure to protect his childhood friend and the tribe that took him in, whose deaths his parents and/or fellow cowboys are implied to be responsible for.
  • Nice Hat
  • Older Than They Look: Confirmed to be 30 by the Oletus Manor Investigation Report.
  • Tragic Keepsake: His Cactus Doll accessory.
  • Uncertain Doom: His 2020 Character Day letter reveals that, during his time at the manor, he may have chosen to drink poison, in order to protect a fellow Survivor (implied to be Patricia).

    Margaretha Zelle

Margaretha Zelle - The Female Dancer

Margaretha is a gorgeous dancer and is used to the good life. After an accident, however, she lost her husband, and with him all financial security. Margaretha, not knowing how to making a living, has gained a new understanding of "freedom". How could she pass up an opportunity to become a millionaire?

  • Ambiguously Evil: Might have been responsible for the Moon River Tragedy. Mike certainly seems to believe her to be the culprit.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • Is she Natalie the animal trainer? Did she play a key role in the Moon River Tragedy?
      • Mike's Character Day letter reveals that she is indeed Natalie.
    • Her uncle is implied to have an unclear connection to the Geisha and her murderous father-in-law. What this potentially means for Margaretha is still unclear.
    • Mike's 2020 Character Day letter reveals that Mike was aware of the name she went by after she left the circus. Given the uncertainty of when the letter was written, what does this imply? Was Margaretha Zelle already an alias she utilised before she fled the circus, or did Mike manage to track her down and/or discover her new name after the massacre?
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She was first introduced in-game in Joker's deductions, under her old alias, Natalie.. She would later go on to become a playable character in the game, whose character background would further develop the backstory of Hullabaloo Circus, as well as Lakeside Village.
  • Distracted by the Luxury: Is said to have an affinity for jewelry and the good life. Sergei managed to draw in Margaretha, and encourage her to run away with him, with plastic promises of a better life in the 'Big City'. Even after separating from her husband, and becoming financially independent, Margaretha still desired to live the good life.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: As expressed in one of her Deduction Star Event lines and her "Affection" accessory.

    Margaretha: Everyone longs for dazzling jewelry.

  • Expy: Of abused trapeze artist Natalia from the The Last Circus.
  • Meaningful Name: The name Margaretha is a variant of Margaret which means "pearl". She is shown to like fancy things and her birthday is in June, which has the pearl as one of its birthstones.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Loosely based on Mata Hari, a Dutch exotic dancer accused of espionage.
  • Riches to Rags: Though riches may be a bit of an over-exaggeration, she recently lost her husband and with him, her financial security. She came to the manor hoping to go from Rags to Riches.
    • Rags to Riches: Her decision to come to the manor was fueled by her desire to become a millionaire.
  • The Runaway: The Circus Runaway. Unsatisfied with living in a fishing village, and dreaming of a better life, Margaretha went along with her lover's plan to elope, and drugged her aunt and uncle during dinner so that she could run away with the circus.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The burnt "Straw Doll" accessory, which may serve as a reminder of her previous life in Lakeside Village.

    Eli Clark

Eli Clark - The Seer

From an early age, Eli could see "visions" and interactions with these visions caused Eli to view the world with an all-new perspective. However, this ability didn't improve his finances and a promise he made to his fiancée forced him to accept the invitation from Oletus Manor. Will his marvelous ability help him overcome his financial difficulties?

Stage Cast: Chiba Mizuki

  • Animal Companion: His owl. It is implied in his Character Day letter that her name is Brooke Rose.
  • Blindfolded Vision: Wears a blindfold in all of his skins, but due to his lack of sight is unaffected
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The author of his 2021 Character Day letter seems to think of him this way. It's hard to say if their assessment is accurate, though.
  • Blue Is Heroic: Wears navy blue in his default skin and is one of the kinder and less morally gray Survivors.
  • Cool Mask: When he isn't wearing a blindfold, he has some cool masks to cover his eyes.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Has a dark color scheme, but is arguably the nicest guy of the Survivors.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: Eli sings the theme songs for the Survivors' side of each stage play episode.
  • Facial Markings: A large scar under his eyes in the shape of an M.
  • Familiar: His owl, Brooke Rose, who allows him to see through her eyes.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Especially birds.
  • Glory Seeker: According to the test indicators in his 2021 Character Day letter, he desires "fame and fortune." It's hard to tell if this truly is an accurate assessment of his character, though.
  • In the Hood: Wears clothes with hood or cloaks in most of his skins.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: It's implied that his fear of losing Gertrude led to him telling her about a vision he had seen, breaking the oath he had made in the process.
  • Nice Guy: Background material portrays him as one of (if not the) most altruistic and kind-hearted survivors.
    • In the stage play, he remains kind and understanding towards Aesop Carl [Embalmer] even though the latter keeps intentionally getting himself killed during matches.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Unfortunately, every time he sends out his owl to protect either him or his teammates, his vaulting speed decreases. Lorewise, he lost his sight after telling his fiancée about a vision he had in order to save her father's business.
  • Noble Bird of Prey: In his "Experienced Huntsman" skin, he has a falcon instead of his owl.
  • The Oath-Breaker: Lost his sight and was scarred when he shared what he had seen in one of visions with his fiancee.
  • Occult Blue Eyes: The magical eyes that grant him visions of the future shine in a very mystical blue.
  • Ominous Owl: Averted as his owl isn't portrayed as creepy and is used to protect his teammates.
  • Oracular Urchin: Is said to have been able to see visions since a young age.
  • Pet Baby Wild Animal: He and his owl met when Eli found it injured. After raising it back to health he attempted to release it back into the wild, but the owl instead chose to stay with Eli.
  • Seers: Well, it's in his title.
  • Significant Birth Date: His birthday is on Halloween (October 31st) and he used to have supernatural abilities. In addition, said holiday descended from the Celtic Festival of Samhain where it was believed that spiritual power is at it's highest.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: In his Character Day letter, he shows sympathy towards Brooke Rose (one of the antagonists of the story he's telling), who was transformed into an owl as punishment for betraying her husband and uses her tale as a reason why one should not break an oath.
  • Uncertain Doom: Certain wording present in his 2021 Character Day letter implies that he may not have survived his game.
  • Younger Than They Look: It may come as a surprise to many to find out that he is, potentially, the third to fourth youngest Survivor.

    Aesop Carl

Aesop Carl - The Embalmer

There are minor differences in the final destination of people's lives and Aesop Carl is most definitely the person people envision sending them on their final journey. He follows every procedural step rigorously and affords the highest respect to visitors that have come to their final destination. He decided to take the place of an unfortunate, mysterious mother and complete her final wish after finding a mysterious letter on her, while examining her corpse.

Stage Cast: Hirai Yuki

  • Ambiguously Evil: His mentor is heavily implied to have been a serial killer, who was grooming him to follow in his footsteps. It is unclear if he succeeded.
    • His 2021 Character Day letter confirms he did.
  • Creepy Mortician: An embalmer who's stated to dislike the living and favor the deceased, was raised to see murder as a morally agreeable act, and outright fantasizes about killing and embalming a fellow survivor in his 2021 Character Day letter.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Both his hair and eyes are gray.
  • Hollywood Autism: Said to have autism, which led to him being deemed unsuitable for public education.
  • No Social Skills: Decodes slower when accompanied by other Survivors, and prefers spending time with the dead rather than the living.
  • The Protagonist: Of the stage play's first episode.
  • Terms of Endangerment: In his 2021 Character Day letter he refers to Victor Grantz/The Postman as his "silent friend", while plotting to kill him.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: According to his 2020 birthday letter.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His deductions suggest that Jerry taught him to help people meet their destined end and "guide lost people from darkness" by killing them. In his second Character Day letter, Aesop says that he has kept those teachings in mind as he explains that he intends to kill Victor Grantz/The Postman (and perhaps the rest of their fellow players), talking about how he believes he understands Victor and mentioning that such is his duty as an embalmer.

    Norton Campbell

Norton Campbell - The Prospector

After surviving a terrible mining accident, Norton Campbell became even more reserved and gloomy. With the meteorite magnet obtained from the accident, he changed his profession and became a geological surveyor to avoid entering the darkness of the mine.

Stage Cast: Suga Kyosuke

  • The Ace: Once had this reputation, being seen as the ideal worker who would always be the first one to enter the mines and the last one to leave, and who would spend his spare time helping out and caring for homeless elderly miners.
    • Broken Ace: What he became after the mining accident.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: His mood is said to frequently switch from gloomy and depressed to hot tempered and avaricious. Though the accident is said to have dramatically changed his personality, background information implies that this particular side of him was present far before the accident occurred.
    • The reason for his behaviour is something that is said to have been debated in-universe. Some believed it was simply the result of PTSD, while others believed that magnets had disturbed his brain.
  • Ambiguously Evil: While he is selfish, and is indirectly responsible for the deaths of his fellow miners, it's possible to see him as sympathetic character, desperate to achieve a better life, and whose amoral actions were either motivated by pragmatism (him abandoning Benny in order to search for the treasure alone) or didn't go the way he had planned (the collapse of the mine) and leave him filled with remorse. On the other hand, it is also possible to interpret Norton as a sociopath, willing to exploit anyone for his own gain, whose reserved personality is a product of him being traumatised by his near-death experience, rather than feelings of regrets for the deaths he was unintentionally responsible for.
  • Ambiguous Situation: How much responsibility does he possess in regards to the mining accident? Was he solely responsible or, given later implications that the mine was located close to Lakeside Village, was there a supernatural force at play.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Arguably so.
  • Career-Ending Injury: Forced to stop mining after an accident killed his fellow miners and left a scar on his face.
  • Et Tu, Brute??: Apparently agreed to search for treasure, and split what he found, with an elderly miner named Benny. Instead of doing so, Norton chose to leave the man to rot and have the treasure all for himself.
  • Meaningful Name: It's possible that his first name may be a reference to the Norton Mine from The Transition of Juan Romero, a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft. Given the hints of Lovecraftian elements surrounding the Golden Cave, this is unlikely to be a coincidence.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Possibly. He is noted to have become more solemn and withdrawn after the mining accident. It is unclear if this is because he was traumatised by his near-death experience or because he feels guilty for causing the deaths of his fellow miners.
  • Named After Someone Famous: It's possible that his last name might be a reference to Ramsey Campbell, an author of the Cthulhu Mythos responsible for the creation of Gla'aki, a deity who the eye present in the Golden Cave is believed to belong to.
  • Product Placement: He has a McDonald's skin. No really. However, said skin is currently exclusive to the Chinese version of the game.
  • Prospector: Chose to become one after the mining accident, in order to ensure that he wouldn't have to go down into the darkness of the mines ever again.
  • Rags to Riches: His main goal in life which he attempts to achieve by any means necessary, regardless of how immoral he has to be in order to make this happen.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a scar on the left side of his face due to the mining accident he was involved in.
  • Secretly Selfish: His Deduction Targets imply that, despite his hard-working reputation, it's merely a front for his greed. It is further implied that, despite being well aware of the risk, he mined with dangerous explosives in an unstable cave. This would lead to him accidentally killing his fellow miners with said explosives.
  • Social Climber: What he ultimately is at heart.

    Patricia Dorval

Patricia Dorval - The Enchantress

Patricia Dorval was born on a slave ship where her mother drew her last breath. Little Patricia reached New Orleans alive, the shipowner left her on the street. She thus found a new "mother". Patricia followed her "mother", learning herbs, healing and cursing, and when she reached adulthood she decided to go back to her foreign homeland to look for her origin. Patricia never thought that the curse hidden in her blood would gradually emerge at the moment she stepped onto the land. After running away for a decade, she finally arrived at Oletus Manor with the curse.

Stage Cast: Otowa Micako

  • Ambiguous Situation: Her 2020 Character Day letter mentions that, in return for the Loa granting her access to the spirit world, she would seemingly need to give them a sinful soul. She ends the letter by claiming that she has already found a suitable haunting ground. It is unclear if said haunting ground is the Oletus Manor, which her 2021 letter implies to be the case, and what this mean for the rest of the survivors, as well as the hunter, in her game.
  • Curse: The source of her strange abilities.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Whatever it is, it enables her to curse Hunters as well, making them jolt in pain.
  • Happily Adopted: Was raised by a local woman of New Orleans, who was said to have selflessly loved her adopted daughter. Even when the spirit of her birth mother seemingly rejected her, Patricia chose not to feel too bad about it, mainly because she already had a loving foster mother.
  • Heroic Bastard: The product of an American man impregnating a Haitan woman who, even after finding out the truths about her origins, didn't choose to take her suffering out on the world.
  • Hollywood Voodoo
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Based on Marie Laveau, a renowned Louisianan voodoo practitioner.
  • Older Than They Look: Has spent the last ten years of her life being plagued by a curse and is confirmed to be 35 by the Oletus Manor Investigation Report. Despite this, she could arguably pass for a woman in her mid-to-late twenties.


Murro - The Wildling

After experiencing betrayals and struggles Murro decided to give up trying to fit into so-called civilized society. Perhaps the Oletus Manor would be his ultimate destination?

Stage Cast: Claus

  • Ambiguously Evil: Was willing to do anything to escape from his uncle's circus. Said circus just so happened to be Hullaballoo Circus, the site of an allegedly horrific massacre...
    • If you believe that his 2021 Character Day letter is addressed to Mike, however, Murro likely escaped from the circus a few days prior to the Moon River Tragedy, making it unlikely that he was responsible for the massacre.
  • Animal Companion: His boar.
  • Circus Brat: He has been in a circus from young age, kept isolated from the rest of the world by the circus' ringmaster Bernard until he convincingly resembled a feral child.
  • Feral Child: Murro's uncle claimed that he grew up in the woods. Murro was actually raised in complete isolation for the first ten years of his, with his only a toy dog and his uncle for company.
  • Full-Boar Action: Rides some kind of boar.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Downplayed. He can still decode ciphers, but his decoding speed has been decreased by 40%.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: His boar, who he worked with in his act, and who accompanied him to the manor.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Frequently compares himself to Kaspar Hauser, a man who claimed he had spent the early years of his life being raised in an environment, completely cut off from human contact (this may have been a lie made by a swindler, however). It's not hard to see where the comparison originates.
  • Uncertain Doom: Was supposed to be part of a game with Forward, Mercenary and Explorer, but mysteriously disappeared and was replaced by the Magician.
    • In the Magician's Diary, Servais uncovers evidence that Murro didn't actually escape out the window like Naib claimed he had, but had apparently been kidnapped or murdered by another Survivor. There is also the question of just what was inside of the boar Naib was keeping outside the manor...

    Mike Morton

Mike Morton - The Acrobat

Mike Morton is the most popular guy in the travelling circus "Hullaballoo". After being left one of the only survivors of a disaster that saw the circus in ruin, Mike has made it his mission to find the person responsible for destroying his home.

Stage Cast: Seto Keita

  • Alliterative Name: Mike Morton
  • Ambiguously Evil: Might be responsible for scarring Joker's face with acid, expressing no remorse for what happened if this is the case. It is more likely, however, that Joker's face was actually scarred by the former smiling clown, Sergi, who had in turn stolen Mike's acid in order to commit the crime.
    • And that's not even addressing the implication that he has (possibly) hired hitmen in the past...
  • Ambiguous Situation: Murro's 2020 Character Day letter revealed that Mike was in contact with Arthur Russel (a man who had previously appeared to have been studying the phenomena of Lakeside Village), through which he had seemingly hired either a hitman or detective to do... something to an unspecified target, seemingly in return for the brain of another unspecified person. The circus was shortly afterwards burned to the ground, killing the intended target and seemingly destroying any trace of aforementioned brain, leading to Mike calling off their arrangement. It is unclear how this incident connects to Murro.
    • His 2020 Character Day letter. Does it take place before or after the Moon River Tragedy? And just how did he come to know of the Female Dancer's alias?
    • His reasons for wanting to locate Natalie/Margaretha? Does he believe she played a key role in the Moon River Tragedy, and wishes to exact vengeance? Or is he desperately trying to hold on to what's left of his circus family? His 2021 Character Day letter heavily implies the former to be the case.
  • Best Served Cold: Is said to be hunting down the person responsible for the Moon River Tragedy.
    • Assuming that Mike believes Margaretha to have been responsible, his 2020 Character Day letter (in which he requests Arthur Russel uncover information about Margaretha's past before joining the circus) may imply that he won't be satisfied with merely killing her...
  • Cartoon Juggling
  • Cheshire Cat Grin
  • Circus Brat: His deductions imply that he joined the circus as a kid.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ambiguously Evil, but he appears to have cared deeply about the other members of the circus, and has made it his goal to find the person responsible for the Moon River Tragedy and make them pay for their crime.
  • The Nicknamer: In the stage play — Fiona is "Fi-chan" and Eli is "EliCla" — which he remembers into the mirror world even though everyone has lost their memories.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Downplayed, but he does come off as a bit of a goofball in gameplay and his deductions. Both his and Murro's 2020 Character Day letters, however, reveal that he is actually quite eloquent and professional when dealing with personal matters.

    Jose Baden

Jose Baden - The First Officer

In order to find the whereabouts of his loved ones and restore his family's reputation, the sea knight, Jose Baden, decided to enter the cursed Oletus Manor. This time, will his magical pocket watch ensure smooth sailing?

  • Accomplice by Inaction: It's implied that his self-loathing largely stems from his inability to turn against his father and do the right thing.
  • The Alcoholic: Hit the bottle pretty hard following some (as of yet) unexplained event to the point that he ended up at risk of losing his position and title due to continuously missing the tide.
  • Clear My Name: Following his father's mysterious disappearance while he was delivering cargo overseas, the Queen, believing that the Baden family had stolen her treasure, proceeded to strip Jose of his title and deprive him of all the wealth that he and his family owned. Jose travelled to Oletus Manor, the intended location of one of the items that were to be delivered by his father, in order to locate his father and restore his family's reputation.
  • Connected All Along: His 2021 Character Day letter reveals that his father previously did business with one of the Bourbon siblings.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Where his addiction stems from, since he had quite a hard time following some events.
  • Guilt-Ridden Accomplice: Presumably, given that he is shown to feel a far greater amount of remorse for his family's misdeeds than his father, to the point that he ended up trying to drown his sorrows in drugs and alchohol.
  • Hypno Pendulum: How he does his hypnotic trick with the pocket watch.
  • Magical Accessory: Carries a pocket watch which allegedly gives its owner the ability to control the tides.
  • Mismatched Eyes: Though the presence of what is presumably the Baden family symbol on his left eye implies that said eye is not so much mismatched from his right eye as it to likely be obscured by something covering it.

    Demi Bourbon

Demi Bourbon - The Barmaid

A sunny girl who can make a miracle-like Dovlin, who has come to the Manor in search of her missing brother.

  • Accomplice by Inaction: Possibly. As far as we can tell, her brother, Sam, was the one with an unclear connection to Oletus Manor that he wanted to keep secret from his sister. If you believe that the survivors are brought to the manor to be punished for their sins, Demi is likely going to die (or did die) for something that she had no knowledge was happening.
    • With that being said, her 2021 Character Day letter implies that she may have possibly had her own secrets.
  • The Alcoholic: Partially justified, since her alcohol can heal her or give her other buffs.
  • Beauty Mark: Has one right above her mouth.
  • Booze-Based Buff: Dovlin increases the Movement Speed of whoever drinks it by 50% as well as heal them and gives them the Tipsy status which reduces their fear. However, there is a tradeoff as the drinker's max decoding speed will be decreased by 8%.
  • Connected All Along: Originally thought to possess no real connection to any of the other Survivors, or the Hunters, Jose's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that either she or, more likely, her brother previously did business with Jose's family. Furthermore, the fact that the handwriting in the invitation containing the codeword that Jose received resembled that of whoever had signed off the ledgers of goods that were given to Jose's father implies that one of the Bourbon siblings were involved in the First Officer's game.
  • Fanservice with a Smile: Downplayed, but she is definitely one of the more attractive survivors, and her default outfit doesn't do anything to distract from this.
  • Healing Potion: The drinks she mixes can heal Survivors during matches.
  • Heal It with Booze: Can heal herself and other survivors with alcohol.
  • Ill Girl: Was said to be weak and ill for the majority of her childhood, to the point that many were certain she would die young. Miraculously, she had apparently returned to full health by the time she was an adult.
  • I Will Find You: Came to Oletus Manor in search of her brother.
  • Immune to Drugs: Is said to have a high drug resistance, a trait that she apparently inherited from her mother.
  • Meaningful Name: Her last name, Bourbon is a type of alcoholic drink.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Luchino's 2021 Character Day letter implies that, during her time at the Manor, she was the Energetic Girl to the former's Savvy Guy.
  • Significant Birth Date: Her birthday is on Valentine's Day (February 14th) which also happens to be regarded as the feast day of Saint Tryphon (patron saint of winegrowers and protector of vineyards) by many Orthodox Christians.
  • Skunk Stripe: Implied to have poliosis.
  • Younger Than They Look" Given her "hobby" one would likely assume that she is one of the older survivors. Thus, it may come as a surprise to find out that she is only 21 years old, and thus only a year above the legal drinking age.

    Victor Grantz

Victor Grantz - The Postman

Contrary to the general impressions of postmen, Victor isn't particularly verbal and prefers to stay away from people. After receiving his first letter with great excitement, he embarked on a journey to the manor with his reliable partner, Wick the Post Dog.

Stage Cast: Suzuki Yota

  • Ambiguous Situation: His character deductions imply that his services as postman were originally used by a criminal organisation to smuggle unspecified items, and that he may have witnessed the building he rescued Wick from being set on fire. It's unclear just how involved Victor was in criminal activity or what role he played in building, where a police officer seemingly investigating him resided, being burnt to the ground. Did he witness his associates burn the building to the ground, and then rushed in an attempt to save people. Or did he burn down the building himself, only to have a crisis of conscience. His final deductions implies it was the former.
    • Furthermore, was he still affiliated with the criminal organisation when he received his letter from Oletus Manor, or did gaining acceptance from the public for his actions during the fire allow him to become a proper postman?
    • There is also the question of how he got involved with the criminal organisation in the first place.
  • Animal Companion: Wick the Post Dog
  • Curtains Match the Window: He has blonde hair and yellow eyes.
  • Cute Mute: Apparently mute and definitely looks endearing.
  • Friend to All Living Things: His character notes, and the 2020 Christmas event, reveal that, on top of taking care of Wick, Victor also likes to spend his time feeding stray animals.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Even if he was the person who burned down a police officer's house, the fact that he ran back to save Wick shows that he has a heart and a conscience.
  • He Knows Too Much: The mob forced Victor to keep quiet about their activities by threatening to harm Wick. It's implied that they originally wanted to go after Victor himself but decided against it as it would raise too many questions, especially after the policeman's death.
  • Heroic Fire Rescue: Rescues Wick from a burning building after someone from the mob sets it on fire.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: His dog, Wick, who he rescued from a fire.
  • Mailman vs. Dog: Averted. Wick is nothing but friendly towards Victor and would often accept letters from him in his previous owner's place.
  • Not Good with People: He is said to be great at caring for animals, but finds it difficult to talk to other people.
  • Perpetual Smiler: All of his character models show him smiling.
  • Precious Puppy: Wick the Post Dog. The game even states that the reason why Wick pounces on the Hunter is because he wants to make new friends.
  • Significant Birth Date: His birthday is on Christmas (December 25th). He delivers packages and letters like how Santa delivers presents.
  • Talking with Signs: In the stage play, he uses a notebook to communicate with others.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The "Final Present" accessory, said to be the reminder of his final meeting with his poet friend.

    Andrew Kress

Andrew Kress - The Gravekeeper

For Andrew, gossip is more terrifying than illness. The invitation from the Manor gives Andrew the hope to be understood after years of being the Grave Keeper.

Stage Cast: Isono Dai

  • Accidental Murder: The local landlord may have been victim to a premature burial at Andrew's hands. Andrew's deductions imply that, if this was the case, Andrew was unaware that the man was still alive. That being said, it is also unclear whether or not the landlord did indeed end up dying.
  • Albinos Are Freaks: Was born an albino and was ostracised by nearly everyone around him as a result.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes
  • Crusty Caretaker: A gravekeeper who keeps to himself and is implied to have No Social Skills.
  • The Eeyore: He is one of the more pessimistic Survivors.
  • Grave Robbing: His implied side profession.
    • His deduction imply that his actual side profession was bodysnatching (digging up corpses and selling them for dissection or anatomy lectures in medical schools).
  • Hypocrite: Is implied to have dug up the graves of "evil" people who had bought their way into being buried in the Lutz Cemetery and sold their bodies, on the basis that such people did not deserve to be buried in such a holy place. It is also implied that he himself wished to be buried in the Lutz Cemetery, an act which (given his status as a pariah) could only be achieved if he paid a large amount of money to be buried there. Money he would have earned from digging up graves and selling dead bodies.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: Has one of his eyes covered to increase the mysteriousness.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: His in-character twitter responses[1] present him this way, with him lashing out and mistaking compliments as backhanded.

    Luca Balsa

Luca Balsa - The Prisoner

Luca Balsa was once a world-renowned inventor. He never gave up on his deepest aspiration even when he was sent to prison. Now that he's a free man, nothing is stopping him for completing his greatest invention.

Stage Cast: Anazawa Yusuke

  • Ambiguously Evil: He and his mentor came to blows, which resulted in his mentor being killed and Luca suffering from irreparable brain damage, causing his memory and focus to deteriorate. It is (as of now) unclear if Luca's mentor's death was an accident, or if Luca outright murdered him.
  • Anonymous Benefactor: Was sentenced to hang, but was mysteriously pardoned at the last minute. It is implied that someone connected to the Oletus Manor paid his bail and invited him to participate in a game.
  • The Apprentice: Was taken under the wing of Alva Lorentz, a famous inventor, and became his assistant. Many people believed that Luca was being trained to inherit the Lorentz's mantle. However, things spiralled out of control when Luca and Lorentz ended up in an academic dispute (Luca claimed that Lorentz was a plagiarist, while Lorentz accused Luca of selling the results of his research to his competitors) and turned on each other, apparently culminating in the two physically coming to blows, which resulted in Lorentz dying and Luca being sent sentenced to prison for his murder, with his reputation completely destroyed.
  • Mysterious Past: It is mentioned in his background story that, when he emerged as a public figure, no one knew where he came from, nor were they able to trace any hints of a family. The only things that people could clearly see was a sign of high education and a confident and ambitious personality.
    • His deductions reveal that he was the son of aristocrats, who ran away from home after his father's poor choice of investments ended up costing the family their wealth.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Based on Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor best known for his contributions to modern alternating current electricity supply system.
    • Luca even shares the same birthday as Tesla.
  • Perpetual Smiler: His character model always sports a smile.
  • Shock and Awe: He can stun Hunters with electricity due to his unique body composition.

    Melly Plinius

Melly Plinius - The Entomologist

After the unfortunate incident, Melly realised that humanity is no different from the nature of insects; loyalty only exists when one has value.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Her background story video paints her in an extremely ominous light, to the point that you would be forgiven for assuming that she was meant to be a Hunter.
    • There's also the question of just how her late husband died. And if she was responsible for his death, was it an example of an abused spouse getting rid of her abusive partner or Melly getting rid of someone she thought was in her way?
  • Animal Motifs: Bees and butterflies, since she's an entomologist.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Rarely shows her face and prefers to be out in the field rather than discussing her work with her colleagues in a stuffy academic association. Despite this, she has managed to become a highly respected name in the biology world.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She can sometimes come off as this as shown in the 2020 Christmas event.
  • The Faceless: Her headgear prevents her face from being seen.
    • With that being said, players have been able to remove the headgear, in the process revealing her to be a reasonably attractive looking woman, whose face is partially covered by what is either a birthmark, bug bites or something else entirely.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name can mean "bee" or "honey". Fitting for someone who studies insects.
  • The Mistress: Started off as a maid having an affair with her employer. It can be presumed that said employer later ended up Remarried to the Mistress.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Possibly named after Pliny the Elder, the Roman author responsible for writing "Natural History", which is purported to cover all ancient knowledge (including sections on insects and zoology).
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Her eyes are hexagonal and coal-like in contrast to the circular button eyes that the other Survivors have.
  • Pest Controller: Can control insects.
  • Rags to Riches: Started off as a lowly maid. By the time the game takes place, she is now a well-regarded, and presumably well-off, researcher.
  • Widow Woman: Her husband died some time prior to the events of the game. Her deductions imply she may have been responsible.

    Edgar Valden

Edgar Valden - The Painter

Edgar has long been aware of the gossip and hypocrisy. The only thing in this world that is worthy of his pursuit is the true essence of art and creative inspiration.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: His deductions hint that he may potentially be inflicted with some form of psychosis or schizophrenia.
  • Artsy Beret: His Nice Hat.
  • Eccentric Artist: Described as such, and boy does it show in his Twitter replies.
  • Insufferable Genius: A talented artist who looks down on everyone and believes he is the only one who truly understands art.
  • Mad Artist: The last few notes of his deductions may be interpreted to imply that he used someone's blood as paint, just like in his original concept—albeit it's most likely Sarai's blood and not his own.
  • The Proud Elite: He is an aristocrat and is stated to be very arrogant.

    Ganji Gupta

Ganji Gupta - The Batter

No one, no matter how affable they are, can tolerate repeated deception. Even after all this time, Ganji struggles to find a sense of belonging.

  • Alliterative Name: Ganji Gupta.
  • Weaponized Ball: He uses his cricket bat to hit a ball towards a Hunter in order to push them away.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Assuming he was the culprit who burned down the Guard's manor, the only person he spared was the son of the manor.

    Anne Lester

Anne Lester - The Toy Merchant

Having escaped from a life of humiliation and deception, Anne has finally realised her true power and gained a true sense of security from her small toy shop. This time, she vows to reclaim what she deserves.

  • Abusive Parents: Her father raised her to be a Replacement Goldfish for her mother, and would frequently berate her whenever she was unable to live up to his expectations. He would later conspire with his daughter's fiancee to steal her inheritance.
  • Animal Motifs: Butterflies
  • Bastard Boyfriend: After spending the majority of her early adulthood being pursued by womanisers who desired her wealth, Anne eventually became engaged to a man she believed to be perfect for her. In truth, her fiancee was no different from every other man who had pursued her, and conspired with her father to make off with Anne's inheritance and leave her destitute.
  • The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Her skill. She can collect "toys" inside chests, but is unable to use them, being limited to distributing to her allies.
  • Convenient Miscarriage: Her extended backstory on the game's official site reveals that she suffered a miscarriage sometime before she got the idea to establish her toy shop and obtain financial stability.
  • Death by Childbirth: Her mother is said to have died giving birth to her.
  • Determinator: Apparently according to her trailer and description. Even after so much humiliation and disgrace in her life Anne still tries to keep up, starting her own toy store. Unfortunately, that same determination was what brought her to the Manor.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals
  • Replacement Goldfish: For her mother in regards to her father.

    Ada Mesmer

Ada Mesmer - The Psychologist

After leaving the asylum, healing Emil became Ada's most important goal in life. In order to awaken Emil's "love" and seek out effective treatment methods, she agreed to a deal put forward by an old acquaintance.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It is unclear on whether it was her or her father that did a psychological check-up on Martha Remington. Worth noting is that one of Ada's deductions mentions an investment project that a member of a laboratory wished to discuss with Ada's father.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Prior to her official release as a playable Survivor, a Dr. Mesmer was formally introduced, via correspondence, in Freddy Riley's 2021 Character Day letter, detailing their psychological check-up of the latter's pregnant wife.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Her and Emil's deductions reveal that the two first met years before Ada started working at the White Sand Street Asylum. Ada had come across Emil one day, starving on the side of the street and, taking pity on him, gave him a piece of bread, an act of kindness that seemingly made him briefly retaliate against his caretakers.
  • Hypocrite: Looks down on the doctors at the White Sand Street Asylum on the grounds of disagreeing with the methods they use to treat patients... despite admitting to have utilised the same methods in the past. She defends herself on the grounds that her motives were just and her actions necessary.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Potentially two famous people. Her first name implies that part of her character may have been inspired by Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician commonly referred to as the first computer programmer. Her surname, along with her occupation, implies that she is more heavily based on Franz Anton Mesmer, a German physician responsible for the creation of mesmerism, a practice which would later come to be known as hypnotism.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": The official story trailer for "Psychologist" and Patient spells her name as "Ada", but the Reunion Time trailer spells her name as "Eda"
  • Token Good Teammate: Appeared to see herself as this among the staff of the White Sand Street Asylum, whom she believed were solely concerned with chasing fads and increasing profits, rather than actually helping the patients in the asylum.


Emil - The Patient

After escaping from the asylum, Emil became an object of curiosity for Ada's research, choosing to accept Ada's treatment than face those fragmented and painful memories. Unconditional obedience, protection, dependence... These were his unique ways of forming a bond with his lover.

  • Animal Motifs: Dogs. He was sold to a man operating dog fights, who treated him no better than the dogs he was breeding. When Ada discovers that blowing her whistle makes him calm down, she compares him to a dog being receptive to its master's wishes.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His deductions reveal that his parents, unable to care for another child, sold him to men operating dogfights, who would force him to beg for food, and would later use him to stir up entertainment by throwing him in the ring with the dogs. Years later, he was found on the corner of White Sand Street, suffering from a fever and afflicted with amnesia, and was promptly institutionalised in the White Sand Street Asylum, where he was made victim to a number of unethical medical procedures.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Is barefoot in his default appearance.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: He and Ada's deductions reveal that the two encountered years before he was committed in the White Sand Street Asylum. While apparently begging for food, Emil caught the attention of a young Ada who, out of pity for his situation, gave him a piece of bread, something that Emil would be willing to attack his caretakers for, seemingly just to ensure he could eat it himself.
  • Mysterious Past: No one, not even Ada and even himself to a certain degree, knows the truth about his past. His deductions fill in most of the blanks.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents, either unable to raise another child or desperately needing money, seem to have sold Emil to a man (or men) operating dogfights.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": The official story trailer for the "Psychologist" and Patient spells his name as "Emil", but the Reunion Time trailer spells his name as "Emile".
  • Undying Loyalty: To Ada.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Or dogs in Emil's case.

    The Novelist

"Orpheus" - The Novelist

A renowned novelist whose past is a mystery to all, even to himself. When he received the invitation letter that came with the flute, he knew that he had no reason to refuse.

For information on him after he lost his memory see Orpheus. For information on him as a Hunter see The Nightmare

    Little Girl

"Memory" - Little Girl

Perhaps even "Orpheus" doesn't know her at all, the memory trapped in a nightmare.

The Hunters

    In General

  • Ambiguously Human: Many of them should be normal humans, that however do things that in theory would be impossible for normal people. Others have in their stories and descriptions things that imply that they are not normal humans.

    Leo Beck

Leo Beck - The Hell Ember

Leo Beck was once the owner of a small textile factory. After taking the advice of his friend Freddy Riley, he bought a small gun factory that was severely in debt. Before Leo realized the poor conditions of the factory, his wife and Freddy Riley made off with all his possessions and disappeared. Drowning in debt, Leo Beck burned down the factory.

  • Ambiguously Human: It is unclear if he survived the fire, and only became a hunter because he broke the rules in a past game, or if he died in the fire and was later resurrected as an undead being.
  • Covered in Scars
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Began to drink frequently after being tricked into debt by the man who seduced his wife.
  • Doting Parent: He was and is extremely caring to his daughter, no matter what he has become.
  • Enemy Summoner: Can summon minions in the form of a hellish version of himself or a pair of angry puppets.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Still cares about his daughter after becoming a Hunter.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Was a pretty sweet guy in life, and supposedly joined the game as a Survivor, before his "punishment".
  • Foil: To Freddy Riley/The Lawyer. Both of them were married to Martha Remington at one point and played a significant role in Emma Woods'/The Gardener's life. However, while Leo was a kind and caring father to Emma and said love of his daughter is one of his redeeming qualities as a Hunter, Freddy is a Survivor who is lacking in morals and is responsible for many of the hardships she faced in her life. In addition, Leo has a muscular build while Freddy is skinny.
  • Good Parents: Was and still is a kind and caring father to his daughter.
  • Improbable Weapon User: His default weapon is a stuffed shark.
  • Morality Pet: His daughter Lisa/Emma Woods is this to him.
  • Nice Guy: Was said to be this prior to becoming a Hunter.
  • Tragic Villain: Swindled into poverty by someone be considered a friend, had his family torn apart and burned himself to death in his own factory.
  • Vengeful Ghost: Brought back from the dead, and his rage can gain a life of its own.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Was close enough to Freddy Riley that he trusted the latter with providing him with financial advice. Riley chose to repay that trust by tricking Leo into debt and running off with his wife. Following his transformation into a Hunter, Leo is now obsessed with taking revenge on Riley.


Joker - The Smiley Face

Joker was once the star of the circus. His naturally sullen face made him the best crying clown. However, the advantage changed when the handsome smile clown Segi and the glamorous acrobat and actress Natalie joined the circus, and Joker realized it's time for him to change his "professional track". Obviously, after getting his eternal smile, Joker can go nuts in new comedy shows.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Had romantic feelings for a female acrobat/animal trainer by the name of Natalie (Margaretha Zelle) who appeared to be happily married to Sergi, the circus' smiling clown, and who is said to have vanished from the circus with her husband one day, without a hint of a goodbye, much to Joker's dismay.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Like every other character connected to Hullaballoo Circus. Nearly every single hunter in the game appears to be a victim of circumstance, and Joker is shown to have noble qualities in his deductions (wanting to stop the abuse Natalie was suffering at the hands of either the circus owner or her husband). It is possible that his constant humiliation, dwindling fame and later facial scarring caused him to go mad and slaughter his former coworkers and anyone else who visited Moon River Park at the night of the tragedy. At the same time it is also possible that he had nothing to do with the Moon River Tragedy, and was actually transformed into a hunter for the purpose of giving the true murderer (and possibly also Mike) a karmic punishment.
    • One of his Deduction Star Event lines only make things more ominous, as it is unclear what he is actually talking about. Is it him remembering the fire that broke out in his dressing room? Or is he referring to the events of the Moon River Tragedy? And if it is the latter example, is this a confession that he was responsible, or merely a sign that, though he was not involved, he was happy with what happened?

    Joker: The surrounding laughter, the released torch, and the burning rooftop. I was instantly relieved when as soon as that place went up in flames.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Both Mike and Margaretha's 2021 Character Day letters imply that he was present in the manor prior to the beginning of the group's game. Does this confirm that, like Leo, he was once a Survivor that later became a Hunter? Or is it meant to imply that certain Hunters are allowed to converse with Survivors before the games officially begin?
  • Artificial Limbs: Replaced his lost legs with a wooden stick.
  • Career-Ending Injury: After his face was disfigured by acid, the injuries were stated to be so bad that he could no longer work as the circus' Crying Clown.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Always smiling in a sadistic manner, like what his name suggests.
  • Evil Redhead: Is a Hunter and has red hair.
  • Expy: Allegedly based on Javier, the protagonist of the 2010 Spanish film The Last Circus, being a former crying clown whose face is disfigured and who eventually becomes a psychotic murderer. The comparisons don't end there. In Joker's deductions, it is shown that he fell in love with a female member of the circus married to a smiling clown with a suspiciously similar name to the smiling clown from the film.
  • Facial Horror: Never seen in-game, though. His face was badly burnt as a result of an apparent accident involving Mike Morton, to the point that it is said that it looked like his skin had corroded. The injuries were so bad that they led to him losing his job as a crying clown.
  • Handicapped Badass: He has a prosthetic right leg and his face was apparently badly burnt by fire and/or acid. Doesn't do anything to stop him from being a deadly hunter.
  • I Hate Past Me: Heavily implied.
  • Kill and Replace: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that, on top of cutting off Sergi's face and wearing it as his own, he also stole Sergi's identity, either to disguise his true identity at the manor or to effectively become the smiling clown in every possible way.
  • Laughing Mad: Coupled with sobbing in his lobby.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Wears a mask, one of which possesses a sadistic grin, and is a deadly hunter in a game of life and death.
  • Monster Clown: Many of his costumes.
  • Sad Clown: His former role in the circus. He's come to embrace a different role, however.
  • Weapon of Choice: A rocket.
  • Wolverine Claws: Wears a clawed glove on his right hand.


Jack - The Ripper

Before becoming "The Ripper", he was a student of James Whistler, a renowned artist influenced by Edgar Degas. Who would guess that a well-dressed gentleman during the day will, when darkness falls, walk into an alley and stalk poor women? As "The Ripper" gained infamy, the boundary between his two identities began to fade. Of course, before you see his true face, "The Ripper" is still happy to take a walk at night.

Stage Cast:Narumatsu Yoshihiko

  • Adaptational Badass: The real life Jack the Ripper, while still a brutal Serial Killer, was still a human being (therefore having human limitations) and could not turn invisible.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Just what exactly is the Ripper? Is it a Split Personality, or is it the result of some form of Demonic Possession?
    • A clerk, interviewed in Jack's 2021 Character Day letter, recalls that Jack spoke in a manner akin to a song heard in London about White Sand Street. Is this just the clerk jumping to conclusions? Is it meant to imply that Jack heard a song inspired by the tragedies that occurred in White Sand Street, and merely took a liking to it? Or is it a sign that he may possess a much more closer connection to White Sand Street than previously thought?
  • Ankle Drag: How he transports Survivors to rocket chairs when equipped with the Soul Devourer accessory.
  • The Blank: His face lacks any features, besides sunken eye sockets and a pronounced nose. He usually covers it with a mask.
  • Bridal Carry: He can do this with incapacitated Survivors if he is equipped with the Rose Cane or Blue Rose Cane accessories.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Likes to hum and sing during games.
  • Faux Affably Evil: A polite gentleman who also just so happens to be Ax-Crazy.
  • Gollum Made Me Do It: His deductions imply that "The Ripper" is the violent and malevolent Split Personality of a painter.
  • Historical Domain Character: Take one guess who he's based on.
    • His true identity is implied to be Walter Sickert, an eccentric painter with a habit of designing ghoulish work, who is believed by some to have been Jack the Ripper, or possibly an accomplice to their murders.
  • Lean and Mean
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Always wears a white, blank mask to cover his also blank face in his default appearance. His other skins often stylize it, but some of them do take the mask off.
  • Nice Hat: Always wears a long, top hat.
  • Sadist: Enjoys seeing his victims suffer and shiver in fear.
  • Serial Killer: The very same Ripper.
  • Significant Reference Date: His Character Day is on August 7th, which was when Mary Tabrum (a woman who might have been the real life Jack the Ripper's first victim) was murdered in 1888.
  • Slenderman Stand In: Complete with a lack of a face and a tendency to stalk others.
  • Visible Invisibility: He goes "invisible," but still emits a red light and leaves a blur of motion around himself.
  • Wolverine Claws: What is best to describe his left hand.

    Bane Perez

Bane Perez - The Gamekeeper

Bane Perez was in charge of the forest farm and patrol cabin at Oletus Manor. In his spare time he raised a black-nosed moose like a child. However, accidents always happen, and a new hunting season was coming. Bane was wondering how he could hide the black-nosed moose to ensure its safety, but he was too late. A team of fully armed poachers had already arrived.

The gunshots rang through the forest. When Bane arrived, he saw that the black-nosed moose had fallen to the ground. He recognized a familiar face from the poacher's team. It was a boy that he had rescued a few years prior. However, when Bane pleaded with him, they cruelly wanted to turn him into a Minotaur. They cut off his tongue and put the head of the black-nose moose on him. They locked him up with a steel-jaw leghold trap and began a massacre in the forest.

After the poachers had left, the dogs dragged Bane back to the manor, where he somehow recovered. No one thought that his humiliation would turn Bane into a demon. He was transformed into a Minotaur, and the mountain forest became his maze. Since that day, Bane shows no mercy to anyone who sets foot on his land.

  • Cynicism Catalyst: His betrayal and physical disfigurement at the hands of a boy he had once shown kindness to transformed him into a creature of violence and cruelty.
  • Et Tu, Brute??: He once chose to show mercy to a boy who had snuck into the forest, instead of delivering him to the authorities. Said boy chose to repay him for his kindness by helping a group of hunters murder and disfigure Bane.
  • Face–Heel Turn: After his kindness toward a boy was betrayed and he was left injured, he lost all compassion.
  • Improbable Weapon User: His default weapon is a purple fish.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means "glorious defender". Fitting, considering his title and role prior to becoming a hunter.
  • Nice Guy: His Character Day letter suggests that he was once a kind and friendly man. Not so much anymore.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: His kindness toward a boy was repaid by being mutilated and left for dead.
  • The Speechless: Had his tongue cut off by hunters, likely leaving him unable to verbally communicate with others.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The "Golden Horn" accessory, said to be the grafted from what remained of Black Nose.
  • Tragic Villain: Despite showing kindness to a boy who had broken the law by breaking into the forest, he was later betrayed by the same boy, mutilated and left to die.
  • Villainous Friendship: According to his 2020 Character Day letter, he was friends, or at least on (potentially one-sided) friendly terms, with Burke prior to both of their transformation into hunters. This trope is downplayed, however, as neither of them could be classified as villains during that point in the backstory.
    • His 2021 Character Day letter implies that the two were still on amicable terms following Bane's transformation into a Hunter.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Carries a grappling hook with which he can pull survivors toward him. With more presence the hook itself deals damage.


Violetta - The Soul Weaver

Violetta was once a famous freak show performer, later reduced to performing in third-rate circuses after the audience lost interest in her. She's always wanted to get back on stage and once again become the much-anticipated star. With the help of a mechanic, Violetta installed flexible mechanical prostheses and a few sophisticated gadgets on herself and created a new show—Human Spider Show. Her old boss refused to let her perform, but Violetta didn't give up. She has accepted an invitation to perform, and is going to hold her comeback show at Oletus Manor. Of course, for safety reasons, audiences shouldn't watch it up close.

  • Abandon the Disabled: Was found in a basket left under a seat during a performance at a travelling show.
  • Artificial Limbs: What she grafted onto herself in an attempt to become a Human-Spider.
  • All Webbed Up: Can wrap Survivors in cocoons.
  • Connected All Along: Her 2021 Character Day letter reveals that she eventually ended up in Hullabaloo Circus, and may have present during the Moon River Tragedy.
  • Cool Mask: Wears one in her default skin.
  • Cyborg: More steampunk than traditional examples, however.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Disliked that other members of the freak show treated her differently because they felt sorry for her. The fact that Max, the owner of the freak show, treated her exactly how he treated everyone else (badly) is what caused Violetta to warmly regard him as a father figure, despite her being well aware of his many flaws.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: One of her main character traits, listed on her Character Day, is jealousy.
    • It's implied that this may be the reason she dislikes the Ripper, feeling threatened by him apparently being considered the best hunter.
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on Aloisia Wagner, a stage performer born without arms or legs.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: An affable performer in real life. A dangerous hunter tasked with hunting other people in this game (though she does not appear to be malicious).
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Her central motivation, and what caused her to make the decision to mechanically alter her body and come to the manor.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous
  • Projectile Webbing: Has the ability to shoot some of her webbing like a ranged weapon.
  • Spider Limbs: Has these as her Artificial Limbs
  • Spider People: Albeit a fake one.
    • Spiders Are Scary
  • The Grotesque: What the freak show advertised as, calling her a cross between a penguin and a man. For a period of time she served as their star attraction. Eventually, however, people began to regard her as a one-trick pony and lost interest.
  • Tragic Villain: Born without arms and legs, tossed aside by her father figure when people lost interest in her and was later forced to graft mechanical limbs onto her body in order to continue making a living. Her deduction targets also reveal that she was abused at the circus where she performed. Practically nothing indicates that she is in any way malevolent; she just wants to be in the spotlight again.
  • Weapon of Choice: The blades on her two front appendages.
  • White-Dwarf Starlet: What she appeared to be on the verge of becoming.


Michiko - The Geisha

The Geisha met Miles, a foreign army officer at a banquet where they fell in love soon after. They got married and returned to Miles' homeland together. His father was particularly vocal in his opposition to their marriage. He was cynical of her and hoped to drive her out of the family home. Not long after, Michiko mysteriously disappeared after Miles left on a business trip. Miles' father claimed that she had ran off with another man and urged his son to find another wife. Miles, however, started to search for his wife, Michiko, but no one knew where she went.

Stage Cast: Otaki Itsuki

  • Ambiguous Situation: Her 2020 Character Letter and the means through which she became a Hunter. Does the letter imply that her father-in-law sent her body to Eugene, who proceeded to dispose of it by throwing it into the lake where Hastur resided? Or was Eugene sent the hatpin (the implied murder weapon), which was later stolen by his niece when she ran off with Sergei, and purchased by the manor owner at an auction?
  • Black Eyes of Evil
  • Combat Hand Fan: Her Weapon of Choice
  • Connected All Along: Her Character Day letter hints that either her body was (possibly) dumped in the lake where Hastur resided, or the murder weapon used to kill her was delivered to Margaretha's uncle Eugene (and later stolen and sold to the manor owner by Margaretha).
  • Cool Mask: Upon entering her "Prajna" form, she puts on a Hannya mask. In her "Rashomon" skin, it's a Noh mask.
  • Don't Look at Me!: Loses her abilities when stared at.
  • Happily Married: Was this with Miles prior to her murder.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "beauty" in Japanese. Prior to her death she was said to be a beautiful dancer.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Can phase through solid objects, floats in the air during her chase mode and can be seen rapidly moving around at such speed it looks like she is teleporting in one of her lobby animations.
  • Team Mom: In the stageplay to the Hunters.
  • Tragic Villain: Married her true love, Miles, and was killed by his disapproving father.
  • Wight in a Wedding Dress: Her "The Bride" and "Shiromuku" skin evokes this imagery.
  • Yakuza: Her "Blood Fan" skin was inspired by and designed after them.


Hastur - The Feaster

Once a messenger appeared clad in a yellow robe prophesying the catastrophic arrival of a dynasty; this messenger was known as the Feaster, Him who is not to be named. He is the embodiment of calamity and suffering, but those with curious hearts have always tried to seek Him out in the hope of being enlightened and learning the truth of the world.

Stage Cast: Hino Arata

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Believe it or not. The original physical description of Hastur was said to be wearing a mask as His face would cause one to lose their sanity. Downplayed as He still very much looks like an Eldritch Abomination.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Not exactly, but it is implied in His 2021 character day letter that the reason He made the entirety of Lakeside Village disappear is because they burned Eugene, Marjorie, and Volckner alive in front of his lake.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: A given, considering that He's a Lovecraftian entity.
  • Combat Tentacles: His main ability.
  • Death of the Old Gods: Implied. The residents of Lakeside Village never acknowledge Him by name (making it unclear if they even known it) and refer to Him as a water god; Hastur is technically the God of Shepherds and, occasionally, a god of air (the god of water being His brother Cthulhu, who it has been written that Hastur hates).
  • Eldritch Abomination: Based on The King in Yellow.
  • Emotion Eater: Feeds off of Survivor's fear to create tentacles.
  • Extra Eyes: Most of His body is a writhing mass of eyes suspended in clouds of gas.
  • Humanity Ensues: Strangely enough, this happens in the 2020 Spring Festival artwork.
  • In the Hood: Wears a big yellow cloak.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Despite being a deity, who has come down to Earth to participate in the game, He is no more powerful than any other hunter.

    The White/Black Guards

The White/Black Guards - Wu Chang

Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu (the White and Black Guards) have always been like brothers. As they traveled to Nantai Bridge one day, they noticed it was going to rain. Xie told Fan to wait under the bridge while he returned home to get an umbrella. After Xie left, the rain began to pour and the river rose, but Fan, reluctant to break his promise, stayed under the bridge. Shortly after, Xie returned with the umbrella only to find that the bridge was now submerged and Fan nowhere to be seen...

Xie was so grieved that he had no choice but to live without Fan. No matter whether it was rain or shine, he carried the black umbrella of the day and wore white mourning clothes. He eventually committed suicide by hanging himself under the Nantai Bridge and left the black umbrella where Fan had stayed.

The umbrella was found by a merchant and placed in center of a hallway. Since then, his family has had strange things happen to them. The black umbrella in the room was often unsupervised. In the middle of the night, the sounds of men sighing fill the hall. Everyone said that White Guard's soul was in the umbrella. Merchants invited the Taoist to get rid of the umbrella to raise the spell on the town. Since then, the house has been calm and quiet. Soon after, the merchants went out, but on the way, they found that the country was in chaos, and that the umbrella was missing.

Stage Cast: Agata Goki (Black Guard) and Kunishima Naoki (White Guard)

  • Adaptational Villainy: In original Chinese myths, the Heibai Wu Chang were said to be in charge of guiding spirits to the underworld and judging them accordingly. Xie Bi'an would reward others for their good deeds while Fan Wujiu would punish unrepentant souls. In the game, the two of them hunt Survivors indiscriminately and while many of the Survivors have far from clean pasts, some of them actually feel remorse for their actions.
  • Affably Evil: Xie Bi'an at least.
  • Aloof Ally: In the stageplay, Fan Wujiu/Black Guard is this to the other hunters although he's not as bad as Joseph/Photographer.
  • Bash Brothers: They work together as government officers and as hunters.
  • Bling of War: Their "Far East Wind" skin where they appear to be military men donning golden armors.
  • The Dividual: Two men who share a soul, occupying the same umbrella.
  • Driven to Suicide: In order to protect Xie Bi'an, Fan Wujiu chose to let himself drown under the Nantai Bridge, in the process posthumously taking the full blame for the incident that caused the two to be slighted by their corrupt governor. Xie Bi'an chose to join Fan, Together in Death, shortly afterwards.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: To each other, prior to their deaths.
  • I let Fan Wujiu Die: Xie Bi'an. This drives him over the Despair Event Horizon.
  • Interface Screw: One of their abilities allows them to reverse a Survivor's movement directions while another one makes Survivors unable to interact with the environment.
  • It's All My Fault: Xie Bi'an/White Guard blames Fan Wujiu/Black Guard's death on himself. His guilt is so strong that he genuinely believes that he's undeserving of love after what happened to Fan Wujiu.
  • Lean and Mean: Tall, skinny, and deadly hunters.
  • Letting His Hair Down: In their "Broken Blossoms" skin. Though with the implications, it's less for Fanservice and more of them mourning each other.
  • The Lost Lenore: Fan Wujiu is a platonic example of this to Xie Bi'an.
  • Meaningful Name: The names Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu roughly translate to "those who make amends will always be at peace" and "those who commit crimes will have no salvation" respectively. In their lifetime, Xie was the more gentle and personable of the two and Fan's name could refer to their status as government officers or the fact that they hunt Survivors (Several of which have rather shady pasts).
    • Could also count as Ironic Name considering what happened to them.
  • Parasol of Pain: Fights with an umbrella.
  • Rapunzel Hair: The only character who has longer hair than them is Antonio.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: White Guard is the blue oni to Black Guard's red. Played With however in that Xie Bi'an is the more outgoing of the two and Fan Wujiu is more withdrawn.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Implied. Shortly after the merchant got rid of the umbrella, the country descended into chaos.
  • The Scapegoat: It is implied that the local governor's son was causing trouble at a tavern, and the two of them chose to intervene. As was their job as officers of government. Instead of punishing his son, the governor chose to cast the blame for the incident on his two officers, in order to ensure that his son stayed a free man.
  • Sharing a Body: They can't be present together. They have one body and one umbrella. Slightly different from this trope as the un-present partner's soul seems to reside in the umbrella and not in the body, but the effect is similar. In the stage play, at least, it seems that the un-present partner can communicate with the present one. This is all true in the game canon as well, despite the fact that they are often shown together in official art.
  • Significant Birth Date: Their Character Day is on the same day as the Ghost Festival (the fifteenth night of the seventh month in the Chinese Lunar calendar), which as the name suggests honors ghosts and allows them to visit the world of the living.
  • Tragic Villain: Two noble government officers who were unfairly slighted by their own governor for selfish reasons. Fan Wujiu committed suicide in order to shoulder the blame, and Xie Bi'an joined him shortly after, hanging himself on the same bridge where Fan Wujiu drowned. Both of their souls were then trapped in an umbrella, left to wail in the night and apparently unable to reunite, or communicate with each other.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Fan Wujiu in the "Broken Blossoms", "Flying Guillotine" and "Far East Wind" skins.

    Joseph Desaulnier

Joseph Desaulnier - The Photographer

Joseph was forced to leave France and move to England with his parents. The pain of losing his twin brother caused Joseph to become absorbed with art. He hoped to save the live images of those people and objects to liven up his pictures. Joseph has become obsessed with parapsychology and hopes to make some interesting modifications to his camera. He started to tell his closest friends that he had found a way to capture souls in pictures. No one took him seriously, but then they started to notice that everyone whose picture was taken by Joseph disappeared one after another. When a panic-stricken mob forced their way into Joseph's residence, Joseph was nowhere to be seen. On the wall of his studio, however, were all kinds of lifelike portraits of people that seemed to be looking right at them.

Stage Cast: Igarashi Keisuke

  • Accidental Misnaming: In the Comedy version of the stageplay, Aesop keeps calling him Jonathan.
  • Aloof Ally: In the stageplay the Photographer is at least at first cold and distant to other hunters.
  • And I Must Scream: The presumed state of the people he trapped in photographs.
  • Angsty Surviving Twin: The pain of losing his twin brother caused Joseph to become absorbed with the conservation of life.
  • Bishōnen: Confirmed to have been designed this way via Word of God. It's inspired by Death in Venice, of all things.
  • Everything Sounds Sexier in French: His alluring foreign accent is said to have charmed people, which led to them agreeing to act as his models.
  • Freudian Excuse: The death of his twin brother at a young age caused him to become obsessed with the idea of finding a way to eternally preserve the lives of others. This ultimately led to him experimenting on people and trapping them in his photographs.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Outside the Camera World, The Photographer's body is riddled with cracks, as though it's breaking apart. His voice is also rougher, in contrast to the soft voice he has inside the Camera World.
  • Little Bit Beastly: In his "Moonlight Gentleman" skin, he has wolf ears and a tail.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Has his hair tied in a ponytail, and is one of the pretty man in the manor.
  • Magical Camera: The source of his powers.
  • Mad Scientist: Seemingly developed his craft through experiments he conducted.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Based on Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a French inventor credited with creating photography, and son of a wealthy family who fled France during the French Revolution.
    • Joseph's brother Claude, likewise, shares the same name as Niépce's real life older brother.
  • Occult Blue Eyes
  • Older Than He Looks: Appears to be a young man in his twenties. His backstory reveals that, by the time the people of the village began to suspect that he may have had something to do with the disappearances that had occurred in the village, he was an elderly man.
  • Royal Rapier: Uses one as his main weapon
  • Survivor's Guilt: Heavily implied in his 2020 Character Day letter.
  • The Juggernaut : Breaks pallets and vaults windows at incredible speed, and deals 1.5x damage with each strike.
  • Time Master: Can return himself to an earlier space in time, and create a snapshot of the time that was, and interact with it.
  • Villain Protagonist: He is a Hunter and is one of the two main characters of the stage play.
  • Would Hurt a Child: His 2021 Character Day letter reveals that he used several children from his town as test subjects for his experiments.
  • Your Soul is Mine!: Captured several people and trapped them in his photographs.

    Burke Lapadura

Burke Lapadura - The Mad Eyes

Burke is the eldest son of a construction worker who grew up playing amongst designs, various machines, and tools. By the time he was 20, he had already acquired local fame for his skills. Hired by a married couple, Burke arrived at Oletus Manor when it was still desolate, rundown and was responsible for most of the architectural designs. As per the wishes of his employer, he led his team of workers and expanded Oletus Manor. In his own time, he added his own touch to the manor, his devices, turning the manor into Burke's secret laboratory. It is said that even up until that unfortunate incident this crazy architect was still planning the addition of new devices.

  • The Alcoholic: Constantly drinking in his idle and standby animations.
  • Artificial Limbs: Substituted some of his limbs with machinery.
  • Child Hater: Complains about his contract family's kids in his deduction targets.
  • Connected All Along: Bonbon's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that he was acquaintances with Mark Reznik, and received assistance from Mark's daughter, Tracy, in finalising the construction of one of his machines.
  • Evil Old Folks: Physically the oldest of the hunters (not counting the deities Hastur and Yidhra, and Joseph).
  • Generation Xerox: His father had a career in construction work.
  • Grumpy Old Man: He is old, and easily irritated.
  • Mad Scientist: Burke has created a security system for the mansion, and he replaced some of his limbs with mechanical prosthetics.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means "for the fortress" in French. His backstory implies that he made his former place of employment his own personal fortress following the murder of his employers.
  • My Greatest Failure: Failed to protect the family he was working for from an angry mob. They were likely killed, which led to Burke entering the game as a hunter.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Possibly inspired by Edmund Burke, a Canadian architect with parents who also had ties to the building industry.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: On top of being a skilled architect, Burke also constructed several machines, such as Guard 26 and, if Percy's trailer is both canon and to be take at face value, is capable of bringing someone back from the dead.
  • Tsundere: A platonic example. It's implied that, as much as he complained about the children of the manor, he did actually have a soft spot for them deep down.
  • Uncertified Expert: His Character Day letter reveals that he likely never truly earned a degree.
  • Villainous Friendship: Was friends with (or at least a close associate of) Bane according to the latter's Character Day letter. That said, neither of them were hunters at the time, so this trope is downplayed.


Yidhra - The Dream Witch

It is said that Yidhra has existed on earth before the emergence of the very first microorganism. As billions of years passed, Yidhra acquired a unique ability from the changes that took place around her, devouring creatures to acquire their characteristics. Yidhra can, therefore, divide herself into different aspects, though each part shares her consciousness. Merging themselves with Yidhra gifts her followers eternal life. She often hides her true form through powerful images, with only summoned followers being able to see it.

  • Bad Boss: Towards her followers. In one of her idle animations, she is shown toying with one of them and knocking her down. During matches, she laughs when they are hit by a pallet.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Both her and her followers.
  • Blindfolded Vision: Wears a blindfold. This has no impact on her sight.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Arguably, given that she's an entity that doesn't operate my human rules.
  • Dream Weaver: It's in the name.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Based on an Outer God of the same name in the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite being a deity like Hastur and thus having very vague deduction targets, she is actually connected to Evil Reptilian and is the reason why he became a hunter.
  • Invisibility: Survivors cannot see her under any circumstance, only her followers.
  • Jerkass Gods: Even with Blue-and-Orange Morality being taken into account, she comes off as sadistic and cruel.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family
  • Nightmare Face: In her concept art, she is shown to have sunken in purple eyes underneath her blindfold. She is also shown to be able to smile from ear to ear (in more of a Slasher Smile way than Cheshire Cat Grin) and her mouth is full of sharp teeth.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Despite being a deity, who has come down to Earth to participate in the game, she is no more powerful than any other hunter.
  • Perpetual Smiler
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Can leech onto Survivors to create Followers. These Followers are mindless individuals who all look the same, and only Yidhra herself can directly control their actions.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Purple-skinned and one of the most powerful hunters lore-wise.
  • Snake People: Her lower body has the physical characteristics of a snake.
    • Snakes Are Evil: Is a contender for the title of most malevolent hunter, at least lorewise.

    Robbie White

Robbie White - The Axe Boy

In one night, Robbie had lost his spacious house, comfortable bed, delicious food… and his parents. His life was replaced by endless work and an emotionless boss. But with help from his older sister Dolores, he gradually got used to the work in the yard and gardening became his new hobby. Not long after, the White Sand Street Orphanage was taken over by the church and the orphans did not need to work for a living. Robbie was somewhat disappointed about that. However, given that he and his sister no longer had to beg on the street and the nuns were providing warm food for everyone, Robbie's little hobby seemed less important. After all, his life with his sister was back on the right track. And that was the last memory Robbie could recall. When he woke up under the juniper tree, his sister and the orphanage were nowhere in sight. The only thing left with him was the dead branch in his hand. Robbie could now continue doing his little hobby forever.

Stage Cast: Watabe Hiroki

  • Ambiguous Disorder: Sister Lorraine told Dolores that her brother needed to stay with someone, though she refused to disclose just why this was the case. However, given that later Character Day letters would imply that the majority children from the orphanage weren't actually suffering from mental illnesses...
    • Ambiguous Situation: Either he or his sister seemingly possessed violent tendencies, which the asylum staff attempted to keep at bay through the use of hydrotherapy.
  • An Axe to Grind: Uses an axe as a weapon.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: He is currently the youngest Hunter.
  • Children Are Innocent: Implied in his first deduction where he's asking his sister where their parents went.
  • Children Forced to Kill: He is very young, but somehow was brought into this game of killing and for worst, becomes accustomed to it.
  • Creepy Child: An undead, headless child who chases people down while wielding an axe.
  • Death of a Child: He dies in his deductions after trying to climb through a broken window.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: It is hinted that his tragic death caused his sister to snap and go on a rampage in the asylum, killing and injuring many of the other patients and staff.
  • Enfante Terrible: Though it could be reasoned that the forces behind Oletus Manor are the only reason why he's this.
  • The Heart: In the stageplay, he is this to the other hunters. Even Hastur/The Feaster indulges him!
  • I Want My Mommy!: Sister, in this case, as revealed in the 2020 Deduction Star Event.
  • Losing Your Head: Lacks a head. His deductions imply that he was beheaded by a broken window while sneaking into his sister's room.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: An undead headless child with ties to vengeful ghosts.
  • Prone to Tears: Background material states that he's always crying.
  • Sackhead Slasher: Wields an axe and wears a sack over his possibly missing head.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Or, more specifically, secretly formerly wealthy. Robbie's 2021 Character Day letter implies that, rather than coming from a middle-class family like the rest of the children in the orphanage, Robbie and Dolores may have actually been born in a well-off family, as hinted from Dolores alluding to a family doctor.
  • Significant Birth Date: His Character Day is on April 25th, which is when Arbor Day is celebrated in Germany. This goes with his tree motif.
  • Sweet Tooth: Appears to be rather fond of chocolate. Which makes the fact that he is missing a head, and therefore can't eat any, even more tragic and depressing.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: Following their parents' deaths, he and sister were sent to an orphanage where he was forced to work a living, while his sister begged on the streets. He was later committed to an asylum, and would frequently sneak out of his room in order to see his sister.
  • Tragic Villain: Was an orphan at Kreacher's orphanage with his sister Dolores. Lost his head in some kind of accident (implied to have involved a broken window) after the orphanage was closed and he and his sister were transferred to the White Sand Street Asylum.
  • Undead Child: A deceased child who has been resurrected and transformed into an undead Hunter.

    Luchino Diruse

Luchino - The Evil Reptilian

Luchino was an outstanding scholar who was fascinated with reptiles. Not soon after getting a rare poisonous snake from his colleague, Luchino has suddenly vanished. In his room, people only found bloody scales on the ground. The strange thing is those giant green scales are rough and hard and don't seem to belong to any known reptile.

Stage Cast: Maugeen Kenji

  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: His deductions imply that he studied his reptile subjects by testing their venom on himself. His lab's janitor, Darren Berglund's, comments imply that this would often leave his lab a mess. Regardless, he was still respected as an outstanding scholar.
    • He is also said to have been judged by his peers and the staff for believing in Darwin's theory of evolution (which was, at the time, thought of as ridiculous). Despite this, he was still considered a trusted official by his peers.
  • Double Jump: And even triple jump at max presence.
  • Evil Redhead: Has red hair.
  • For Science!: The core motivation behind his studies. This had the downside of making him jump head first into situations that he knew would likely end badly
    • Even his transformation didn't stop him. Rather than despairing over what he had become, Luchino is implied to have instead have continued his work by attempting to study his own altered physiology.
  • Just Think of the Potential!: His studies were motivated by a desire to both better understand and even possibly change the world.
  • Knife Nut: Uses a knife as his weapon.
  • Licking the Blade: Does this in most of his animations.
  • Lizard Folk: To put it simply, he was transformed into a lizard-like reptilian.
  • Nice Guy: Before his transformation he appeared to treat both his colleagues and members of the cleaning staff kindly.
    • His 2021 Character Day letter indicates that he retained his kind nature even after his transformation was well underway.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that during his time at the Manor, he served as the Savvy Guy to Demi Bourbon's Energetic Girl.
  • That Man Is Dead: Expresses as much in one of his quotes in the Deduction Star 2020 Event.
  • Tragic Villain: Was a well-meaning scientist who was betrayed by one of his colleagues, who possessed an unclear connection to Yidhra. It's noted how he uses his knife to try and remove the scales from his body, but they always grow back.
  • Was Once a Man: Used to be an all-around normal, albeit genius, scholar, before being betrayed by his own colleagues and transformed into a reptilian.


Mary - The Bloody Queen

Stage Cast: Daigo Cecile

  • Ambiguously Bi: Her character deductions incorporate certain rumours about the nature of her relationship with princess Marie Lamballe, a close friend of Antionette's that was theorised to be her lover. At the same time the deductions also acknowledge Mary's relationship with her husband, and the birth of their children.
  • Ambiguous Innocence: A lot of what is detailed about her in her character deductions are rumours and slander. As such it is hard to determine just what kind of person she was when she was alive.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Both of her Character Day letters may potentially raise the possibly that she is not actually the real Marie Antionette.
  • Black Eyes of Evil
  • Doppelgänger Attack: Summons a mirror image of herself that follows her exact movements and attacks.
  • Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: Her 'Salute' emote animation.
  • Glass Weapon: Her default weapon is a long shard of glass.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Debatable during her lifetime but most definitely the case after becoming a Hunter.
  • Historical Domain Character: She is based off of Marie Antionette.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: A lot of her skins feature Mary wearing elaborate dresses, most notably 'Bloodbath'. Even her default skin counts since it's still a very long (albeit rather simple) dress.
  • Lady in Red
  • Mirror Self: Her main ability.
  • Off with Her Head!: Is in the receiving end of one. Unlike Robbie White/Axe boy, she retains her head (although some of her in-game animations imply that her head isn't exactly fixed to her neck).
  • She's Got Legs: Her 'Bloodbath' skin shows off her legs, which are often covered by the long dresses. This is also the case for her "Madame Bella" skin.
  • Took a Level in Badass: She's gotten much more stronger since the French Revolution.
  • Tragic Villain: Debatable, but she is based on Marie Antoinette, who was beheaded during the French Revolution. Her real life counterpart was largely a scapegoat toward ending the monarchy.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Has white hair and spends her time after death hunting down Survivors.
  • White Shirt of Death: In her character trailer, her dress is originally colored white but dyed red by her own blood after her execution.


Bonbon - The Guard 26

  • Affectionate Nickname: Apparently given to him by a past lady of the manor.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Created by Mad Eyes himself.
  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Despite being a robot, he's designed to look like he's wearing a button-up shirt, top hat, and red bowtie.
  • Connected All Along: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that Tracy Reznik may have contributed to his creation. If this is indeed the case, it's very likely that assisting in his creation inspired her later work on her own personal bot.
  • Cute Machines: The DeRoss family's daughter certainly seemed to think so.
  • Everything's Better with Penguins: Albeit an evil, mechanical one.
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming
  • Instant A.I.: Just Add Water!: An advanced robotic hunter apparently created by Burke decades before the 1900s. Also somehow managed to gain self-awareness, to the point that no matter how many times Burke rewrote his programming, he would always say the same phrase after reactivating: "Nice to meet you, I'm Bonbon".
  • Killer Robot: A penguin robot wielding a blood-splattered spiked baton, what can it do with that thing?
  • Lack of Empathy: Doesn't have a dark backstory like most other hunters on account of being a robot.
  • Pinocchio Syndrome: One of his accessories implies that he may have this type of desire.
  • Savage Spiked Weapons: His default weapon is a police baton with several nails stuck into it.
  • Steampunk: His main theme.
  • Time Bomb: His main ability. He can scatter bombs all around the map, creating one blazing hell when they explode at once.


Ann - The Disciple

When the epidemic disease stroke, disease remained cruel despite Ann's devotion and generosity. Her only redemption in life would perhaps be the agile footsteps walking towards her ahead of the reaper and the non-human eyes staring at her at the end of the night when she was on the brink of death.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Her disease stricken eyes led to her being treated with mistrust and suspicion by the other villagers during the epidemic.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Or, at the very least, eyes that looked sinister enough that many believed to be the eyes of the Devil.
  • Cats Are Magic: Her cats can ignore certain laws of physics and can search for and immobilize Survivors.
  • Create Your Own Villain: She was blamed for a plague that broke out in the city she lived in, mistreated as a result of this belief, and ultimately killed. Her final deduction heavily implies that, upon obtaining supernatural abilities, she proceeded to release another plague on the same city, deliberately targeting those who had abused her.
  • Deal with the Devil: Implied to have gone through with one prior to, or possibly after, her death.
  • Ironic Name: Her name means "grace" in Hebrew, which was the opposite of what she received after being inflicted by disease.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Is followed around by (what appears to be) her pet cat.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: She used to be a kind nun and loves her cat.
  • Nuns Are Spooky: Wears the outfit of a nun and is an (apparently) undead hunter.
  • Tragic Villain: A seemingly innocent woman whose eyes were altered by a strange disease around the time that a plague broke out in her hometown. This caused people to believe that she was the one who spread the plague, which led to someone piercing a wooden stake through her heart and leaving her to die in the wilderness (and making her fresh pickings for the forces behind Oletus Manor).


Antonio - The Violinist

Even at the height of his fame and addictions, the violinist Antonio did not abandon his unrestrained desire for music. He could see the rhythms of the whole world, which were controlled by ubiquitous strings.

  • The Alcoholic
  • Ambiguous Situation: Was his Deal with the Devil something he did of his own free will?
    • For the matter, did he truly make a Deal with the Devil and become supernaturally gifted? Or did he only gain his in-game power after becoming a Hunter in the Manor?
  • Deal with the Devil: A common theory among the general public on how he became so talented at music.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: His quote in 2020 Christmas Event indicate this.

    Antonio: ... Don't get me wrong—I'm fine with spending Christmas Eve with alcohol.

  • Gilded Cage: His musical talent proved to be so great that it was decided by government officials that Antonio's music should only be performed for and heard by the members of the royal family. In order to ensure that he remained as a symbol of the royal family's alleged superiority, Antonio was confined to the palace and, when attempting to leave, had all but a single string plucked off his violin.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: While rumours about Paganini's apparent Satanic dealings have persisted for decades, there has never been evidence that they were in anyway true. Antonio's backstory implies that, in the universe of the game, said rumours had a degree of truth to them.
  • The Hedonist: Was known to frequently gamble and indulge in other vices such as sex and wine.
  • Ill Boy: His deductions describe him as malnourished, and reveal that he suffered from certain illnesses including, but not limited to, catalepsy, scarlet fever and spasticity.
  • Musical Assassin: He can utilise his demonic power in his attacks by playing his violin.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Named after the father of Niccolo Paganini, a famous and talented violinist (rumoured to have sold his soul to the Devil), who he is quite clearly based on.
    • In the early stages of his development he was even named Paganini.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: A fictionalised version of the famous violinist Niccolo Paganist, a musician so skilled he was rumoured to have sold his soul to the Devil for his musical talent.
    • Unsurprisingly, Antonio's Character Day is also the real life Paganini's birthday.
  • Prehensile Hair: Which he uses to play the violin.
  • Rapunzel Hair: It's even longer than Wu Chang's, reaching his ankles.
  • Sinister Schnoz: He has a rather prominent nose.
  • Slasher Smile: His default expression.
  • Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: Rare male example: he has black, really long hair that covers his face, pale skin and Slasher Smile.
  • Tragic Villain: A talented violinist, inflicted with a number of physical illnesses and unable to see himself as anything other than a musician. Antonio was made a captive of the royal family and, in his desperation to regain his freedom, somehow ended up under the thrall of an unnamed entity/demon.

    Galatea Claude

Galatea - The Sculptor

When she was young, Galatea always thought that she was her creator's masterpiece, that is until destiny played a sick joke on her. But she wasn't distraught. A genius sculptor can sculpt a perfect destiny for her.

  • Black Eyes of Evil
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Possibly. Her sculpting abilities increased greatly after taking a commission from a wealthy gentleman but her family soon became concerned when they found out that she was talking to her sculptures.
  • The Corruptible: It's likely she wouldn't have gone down such a dark path if she hadn't become acquainted with Baron DeRoss.
  • Cute and Psycho: She is one of the more conventionally cute Hunters and she also murdered a person to make them into one of her works of art.
  • Evil Cripple: She hunts Survivors while moving around in her wheelchair.
  • Handicapped Badass: She became wheelchair-bound after going after a statue that her father threw off a terrace. Her condition does not make her any less dangerous though.
    • Her deductions also imply that, prior to the previously mentioned event, Galatea was inflicted with an unspecified rare illness. It didn't appear to stop her from creating works of art.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Heavily implied.
  • In the Blood: Her deductions reveal that she comes from a family of artists.
  • Living Statue: Can create these to pursue Survivors.
  • Mad Artist: She is a sculptor who is malevolent, obsessive and psychotic. She also seemingly murdered her nurse and had her be put inside one of her sculptures.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "she who is milk-white" in Greek and she is shown to be very pale.
  • Named After Someone Famous: She shares a name with a famous statue that is said to have come to life in Greek Mythology.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Shares quite a few similarities with Camille Claudel, a French sculptor who spent a large portion of her life confined in an asylum, following her family's decision to have her institutionalised after allegedly witnessing her frequently demonstrate erratic behaviour.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Interestingly, any time Galatea has to leave her wheelchair, she'll have it appear exactly where she needs it to be.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Like Geisha, she is able to phase through windows at will, and seems to be able to control objects with her mind. Rather than striking Survivors, she will throw her weapon, and it will come back to her. She also floats unnaturally anytime she climbs a ladder before landing back in her wheelchair.


    The Will Brothers

The Will Brothers - The Breaking Wheel

Behold, a broken family is like the wheels of the Breaking Wheel. If anyone's missing, life can't move forward!

  • Cool Mask: They wear theatre masks.
  • Depraved Dwarf: All three of them have dwarfism and work together to hunt Survivors
  • Parental Abandonment: The three brothers were abandoned by their parents at a young age.
  • Rolling Attack


Grace - The Naiad

The unheard are doomed to be slaughtered, like fish in a net. It was only after grasping this harsh truth that Grace took up her harpoon.

  • Ambiguously Human: Even before her transformation into a Hunter; her gill-like scars are shown to have been present on her neck since she was a young girl. She is also said to have felt more of a connection to the fish swimming in the water than she did to the humans in her village.
  • Cute Mute: Is said to have never uttered a single word in her life and is one of the more innocent-looking Hunters, both before and after her transformation.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Can be briefly glimpsed during the official Time of Reunion announcement trailer, which premiered before the character was officially revealed.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has what seem to be scars on her neck that resemble gills.
  • Mysterious Past: No hint is made as to why she was abandoned as a baby and left to float upstream in a broken fishing basket, nor is any explanation give for her gill-like scars.
  • Moses in the Bulrushes: Was found in a broken fishing basket as a baby, after floating upstream near a fishing village.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Implied to be the "mermaid" that is alluded to in the Time of Reunion announcement trailer.
  • The Scapegoat: When disaster once again struck the fishing village she resided in, the villagers came to believe that their previous worship of Grace, brought about by the belief that it was her arrival in the village that had brought about the end of a previous disaster, had led to them inadvertently betraying the "true gods" who were punishing them for their heresy.
  • The Speechless: Is said to have been unable to speak ever since she was a child. This led to her being isolated by her peers in the village as a result.
  • Tragic Villain: Was sunk to the bottom of the lake by the people of her village after they became convinced that she was responsible for the fishing disaster that was plaguing them.


Philippe - The Wax Artist

In the selection of models, Philippe has a unique set of criteria, and in terms of wax sculpture decoration, he always listens to his sister.

  • Named After Someone Famous: Likely named after Philippe Curtius, a Swiss physician and wax modeller.
  • No Name Given: No hint is made of his sister's name in his deductions.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": His official character trailer spells his name as "Philip" while other official sources spell his name as "Philippe".

     The Nightmare

"Orpheus" - The Nightmare

The raven is often associated with a bad omen, the feared reality revived through him. Perhaps, only "Orpheus" knows about him, the memory re-lived from a nightmare.

For further information on him before the fire see The Novelist For information on him after the fire see Orpheus

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Part of his ability allows him to stalk Survivors for a short time. Once he has finished doing so, his attacks are replaced with a leaping attack focused on one target he has stalked. At max presence, he can chain into two leaps to potentially catch up to a Survivor.
  • Creepy Crows: Wears a plague doctor mask that seems to actually be a part of his face, and has long black strands of hair, making him resemble a raven. He can also summon ravens to monitor ciphers.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: His abilities can be used to find and keep an eye on Survivors very easily.



Orpheus - The Detective

Orpheus was once a famous crime novelist, but after being rescued from a fire about 10 years ago, he lost all his memories. His body recovered, but his memories never returned. Unable to do anything about his memory, Orpheus accepted his new lifestyle and founded his own detective agency. However, he received no good cases and turned back to drinking. Orpheus would awaken the next day to find cuts all over his body, with objects that he never would've touched normally. Even after Orpheus stopped drinking, days would mysteriously get skipped over with increasing frequency. He eventually found the source of his problem from the looks from his neighbors: he didn't lose track of the days at all, but instead, another persona awakened inside him, his old self.

For information on him when he was a Survivor see The Novelist.

For information on him when he was a Hunter see The Nightmare.

  • The Alcoholic: Was this prior to the start of the game.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The translated version of his backstory (provided in the Chinese version of the game) contains info strikingly similar to what was revealed in Burke's deductions (particularly on the matter of the DeRoss family), and later reveals that the fire Orpheus was rescued from occurred at Oletus Manor. If this remains canon is this an implication that Orpheus was a past survivor? Or was he, prior to losing his memories, the Lord of the Manor, Baron DeRoss.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Lost his memory in an accident ten years before the start of the game's main story.
  • Good Hair, Evil Hair: Official art from the developers reveal that he has apparently grown a goatee while attempting to solve the mysteries of Oletus Manor. It is unclear if this is meant to be symbolic.
  • Kid Detective: Downplayed, but official photos from the game imply that his passion for solving mysteries originated during a period of time in his childhood.
  • Most Writers Are Writers: A former best-selling novelist. That being said, this trope is not completely in play, due to his amnesia preventing him from regaining his former talent at writing.
  • Nice Hat: His younger self wears a hat, to go with his Kid Detective design. He no longer has this as an adult, however.
  • Out of Focus: Hasn't been focused on for quite a while, with the game instead choosing to focus on the lore present in the deductions and Character Day letters of both and new and old playable characters.
    • Fortunately, it appears that he's coming back into prominence following the announcement of the Time of Reunion expansion pack.
  • Private Detective: Became one after he failed to readjust to his life as a famous writer after the accident that left him with amnesia. A strange request from a commission letter leads to him investigating a strange manor with a dark past...
  • Split Personality: Is theorised to have one by his neighbours.

    James Reichenbach

James Reichenbach

The character who sent the commission letter to Orpheus in hope to find his missing daughter.

  • The Ghost: Never seen or heard from in game, only being mentioned by Orpheus in the opening cutscene of the game.

     Martha Remington

Martha Remington

The mother of Lisa Beck (Emma Woods) and the former wife of both Leo Beck and Freddy Riley.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Apparently attempted to retrieve her daughter from the orphanage where she was placed. It is unclear if the orphanage had already been transformed into the White Sand Street Asylum (and Martha was unaware of what had become of her daughter) or if her untimely death simply put a stop to her plans.
    • Alternatively, given laws at the time, it is possible that she wasn't allowed to have custody of Lisa, given that she basically abandoned her daughter by cheating on her husband and running off with Freddy.
    • There's also her reasons for leaving her husband for Freddy Riley. Emma and Freddy's deductions imply that Martha was seduced by his eloquently written love letters and the fact that he appeared to be far more sophisticated than Leo. On the other hand, given that Emma's deductions describe her father as "middle-aged" and Freddy's deductions portray him as a man motivated by feelings of seemingly genuine origin, it's possible that Martha didn't feel fulfilled in her first marriage and felt more of a connection with Freddy than she did with Leo.
  • Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Subverted, if the fact that she is said to have died while having an abortion performed is any indication.
  • The Lost Lenore: Freddy's life seemingly fell apart following her death. His entire reason for coming to Oletus Manor is to avenge her death by finding, and taking revenge on, the woman responsible for her death.
  • Love Triangle: In the centre of one between her first husband Leo, and the charming and seductive lawyer, Freddy Riley. She chose to leave her husband for Freddy, though she would apparently come to regret this choice when she saw how her decision had impacted her family.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Freddy's 2020 Character Day letter reveals that the guilt of her actions finally caught up to her following Leo's suicide, causing her to leave Freddy and attempt to retrieve Lisa from the orphanage.
  • Parental Abandonment: Abandoned her daughter by running off with another man, only giving her a quiet apology before she fled into the night.
  • Parents as People: Her apparent dissatisfaction with her marriage led to her abandoning her daughter in order to start a new life with Freddy Riley.
  • Posthumous Character: Is long dead by the time her daughter, former husbands and the woman seemingly responsible for her death, all enter Oletus Manor.

     Eugene Hayward

Eugene Hayward

Margaretha's Zelle's uncle. A stoic man, who immigrated to Lakeside Village with his wife and niece.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Might have disposed of Michiko's body, or taken possession of some form of item that was linked to her death, on the orders of her father in law.
    • Yidhra's 2021 Character Day letter heavily implies that he was an associate (if not an outright member) of some form of cult present in Lakeside Village.
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Disapproved of Sergi, stating him to be too frivolous and warning his niece to stay away from him.
  • Parental Substitute: He and his wife Marjorie raised Margaretha Zelle/The Female Dancer in place of her parents.
  • The Stoic: Described as such by his niece.
  • Uncertain Doom: It's unknown if he ended up disappearing with the rest of the villagers. Even if he did, it's unclear if he's even still alive.
    • With that being said, Luchino's 2020 Character Day letter implies that he and his wife may not have disappeared with the rest of the villagers.
    • It is implied in Hastur's 2021 Character Day letter that he, Marjorie, and Volckner was burned by the village for being "blasphemous"

     Volcker Berglund

Volcker Berglund

A man investigating the "water god" of Lakeside Village, with an apparent obsession with sleep studies. Possibly the author of 'Lakeside Trail', a novel inspired by what the author witnessed when they attended the Lake Deity's banquet during their stay in the village.

  • Agent Mulder: To his brother's Agent Scully.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Is said to have inherited his interest in the supernatural (in particular sleep studies) from his father.
  • Named After Someone Famous: He and his brother are potentially named after Edward P. Berglund, a writer of the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • Occult Detective: His comments to his brother about his search to find a "fiery cave" implies that he investigates supernatural phenomena.
  • Private Detective: Implied to be one working for Arthur Russell.
  • Uncertain Doom: Assuming he is the author of 'Lakeside Trail', he was nowhere to be found when authorities came to investigate the village. The only thing found, in what was assumed to be his place of residence, was the image of a vine-like sigil, drawn with large amounts of blood.
    • Even if he isn't, Yidhra's deductions imply that his obsession with locating the 'fiery cave' that his father spoke of did not lead to him getting a happy ending.
    • Based on the fact that his replacement only found his luggage and investigation reports, it's very likely that he disappeared with the rest of the residents of Lakeside Village.
    • Yidhra's 2020 Character Day letter reveals that, on the day a sacrifice was meant to take place, a fire broke out in a nearby plantation. All that could be found in the ashes of the bonfire were giant scales...
    • It is implied in Hastur's 2021 Character Day letter that he was burned by the village for being "blasphemous" alongside Eugene and Marjorie.
    • Yidhra's 2021 Character Day letter implies that a member of, what would appear to be, some kind of cult present in Lakeside Village planned for Eugene to bring Volcker to the lake by the woods for some form of event involving "purification". The day this was set to occur was the same day that the fire broke out at the plantation...

     Darren Berglund

Darren Berglund

Volcker's more skeptical brother who apparently works as a cleaner in a research centre. Encountered a snake that grew four legs in front of him.

  • Agent Scully: To his brother's Agent Mulder.
  • The Caretaker: Takes cares of his sick mother, and wishes his brother would abandon his father's ideas and do the same.
  • I Will Find You: Implied to have eventually gone searching for his missing brother.
  • Named After Someone Famous: He and his brother are potentially named after Edward P. Berglund, a writer of the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: By finding the mutated snake-like creature, and revealing its existence to Luchino and Professor Thompson, Darren inadvertently played a large role in the events that led to Luchino's supernatural transformation.
  • Uncertain Doom: Luchino's Character Day letter reveals that he too went missing, shortly after going off to search for his brother.

     Duquein Thompson

Duquein Thompson

A professor who worked with Luchino, and offered large rewards to anyone who gave him exotic scaled animals. Took a great interest in the four legged snake that Darren discovered.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Implied to have been the colleague responsible for Luchino's transformation.
  • It's All About Me: Luchino notes that Thompson separates the world into "people who can be of use to his goals" and "potential enemies".
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: A professor with an unclear connection to Yidhra, and who is implied to have played a role in Luchino's transformation.
  • Only in It for the Money: While Luchino was motivated by the desire to study the physiology of his reptilian subjects, in hopes of better understanding both them and humanity, Thompson preferred to have them encased in exhibits, which he would likely pay people to see.



Hullabaloo Circus' former smiling clown, and the (former) husband of Margaretha Zelle.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Like everyone else with a connection to Hullaballoo Circus. He might have been responsible for the massacre that occurred at the circus (Mike seemingly believes he had something to do with it). Given that his wife was later revealed to be Natalie the animal tamer, it is very likely that he was physically abusive towards her.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Implied. In Margaretha's deductions, Sergi was portrayed as a charming smiling clown but in her 2020 Character Day letter, it is revealed that he would tear up any letters that she would try to send to her aunt and uncle. It is also implied that he was physically abusive to her as well.
  • Domestic Abuse: On top of the implied physical abuse, Margaretha's 2020 Character Day letter reveals that he would tear up any letters that she would send to her aunt and uncle, and allegedly manipulated her into marrying through plastic promises of a better life.
  • Expy: Allegedly based on Sergio, the antagonist of The Last Circus, being a funny clown (to Joker's Sad Clown) who is implied to have been abusive to his wife, who in turn served as the object of Joker's (the Javier expy's) desires.
  • Uncertain Doom: Him and Margaretha are said to no longer be together when Margaretha receives an invitation from Oletus Manor. It is unclear if they divorced or if he is deceased. Arthur Russel is convinced that he didn't survive the Moon River Tragedy.

     Jerry Carl

Jerry Carl

An elderly embalmer, who took Aesop in after his mother's death. Seemingly participated in a game being held at Oletus Manor, only to return home heavily injured.

  • Abusive Parents: Implied to have isolated Aesop, so as to better ensure that Aesop would only be loyal to him.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Allegedly participated in a game held at Oletus Manor, only to return home with heavy physical injuries. It is unclear if he won the game and managed to escape, or if something else occurred.
    • There's also the nature of his relationship with Aesop's mother. Was Aesop's 2020 Character Day letter implying that she requested Jerry kill her, or did Jerry fake her death. Did he take Aesop in as his protege in order to fulfill her last requests, or had he been eyeing Aesop as a potential apprentice for a while, and used his connection to Aesop's mother as a way to ensure Aesop's loyalty to him.
  • The Corrupter: Was grooming Aesop to follow in his footsteps. It is unclear if he succeeded (though Aesop's final deduction implies that he did).
  • Evil Old Folks: An elderly embalmer, responsible for a number of murders.
  • Karmic Death: Ultimately ended up in the same position he put his victims in when his protege murdered him.
  • Parental Substitute: Took Aesop in after his mother's death. Aesop's mother is heavily implied to have been killed by Jerry himself, making this a dark and twisted example of the trope.
  • Serial Killer: His true passion, apparently believing it was his duty to "help" people move on to the afterlife (whether they wanted to or not).

     Gertrude Vandergaw

Gertrude Vandergaw

Eli Clark's fiancee. A farmer's daughter who Eli may have broken his oath for;she's aware of Eli's powers and shares his interests in heroes of Welsh Mythology.

  • Birds of a Feather: She and Eli both appear to be fascinated by heroes of Welsh Mythology.
  • Farmer's Daughter
  • Girl Next Door: Implied to have been this to Eli.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "strength", and it is implied that is her encouragement that lead Eli to travel to Oletus Manor in an attempt to recover his lost abilities.
  • Nice Girl: After learning about the loss of his powers, she tried to comfort Eli and sent him a letter in which she persuaded him that there was a way for him to have them restored.
  • Secret-Keeper: Presumably the only other human-being who is aware of Eli's abilities (prior to him arriving at Oletus Manor). Telling her his secret might have been bit in him the ass, however.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Gender-inverted. She is seemingly aware of Eli's abilities. She sends a letter of consolation after finding that he lost his abilities, and offers a suggestion of how to restore them.


One of Norton's fellow miners and an old pal of his father. He is also known as "The Iron Chisel''.

  • Cool Old Guy: He still went mining even in his old age.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Him and Norton presumably made a deal to locate the rumoured treasure located in the mines together. Norton went back on his promise, descending into the mines without alerting Benny, and leaving Benny to rot in poverty. Needless to say, Benny was not happy about that.
  • Ironic Name: The name Benny means "blessed" which is ironic because he had the misfortune of being left to rot by Norton who was after treasure.
  • You Monster!: Says something along the lines of this in Norton's 2020 Character Day letter after the latter abandons him in order to ensure that he wouldn't have to split the treasure with anyone (or at least not with him).

     Dennis DeRoss

Dennis DeRoss

A previous owner of Oletus Manor, who hired Burke to renovate the building. He and his wife were presumably killed by a superstitious mob. The fate of their son is unknown.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It is unclear if he is Baron DeRoss or, given the similarities of what is detailed in Burke's deductions to Orpheus' apparent backstory, if said Baron is actually his son (or daughter).
  • Luke, I Might Be Your Father: In this case, Orpheus' father.

     Dolores White

Dolores White

The older sister of Robbie White. Took care of her brother during their time in the orphanage and the White Sand Street Asylum.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Her brother's deductions contain a note on how to use hydrotherapy to cleanse a patient's mind of violent emotions. It is unclear if said method was used on Dolores (who may have become violent following her brother's death) or Robbie (who is hinted to have had some unknown disorder, which led the nuns to believe that he needed to remain dependant on his sister).
    • With that being said, both Robbie and Emily's 2020 Character Day letters imply that the church might not have been completely honest about the orphan's apparent mental issues.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Missing an arm.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Gender-inverted. Took care of her little brother during their time in the orphanage and the asylum.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Brought on by her brother's tragic death.
  • Handicapped Badass: Possesses only one arm and might have massacred several of the other patients and staff at the asylum. Though, if this is the case, this is more horrifying than badass.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "pain" and/or "sorrow. These were emotions she without a doubt felt throughout her life, especially after her brother's death.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: Was left to care for her brother following their parents' apparent death. She was seemingly mistreated at the orphanage and forced to beg for food on the streets, and later had to spend time as a patient in an asylum. The tragedies she faced ultimately culminated in her little brother's death.
  • Sanity Slippage: Her brother's death may have led to her losing her mind and going on a rampage in the asylum.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Or, more specifically, secretly formerly wealthy. Her brother's 2021 Character Day letter implies that, rather than coming from a middle, or lower, class family like the rest of the orphans, Dolores and Robbie were born into a well-off family, as hinted by Dolores alluding to a family doctor.

     Lorraine Miller

Lorraine Miller

A nun and the former Assistant Director of the White Sand Street Asylum. A former close acquaintance and confidant of both Lydia Jones and Baron DeRoss. Went missing after patients started being discharged from the asylum.

  • The Confidant: Was connected to Lydia Jones shortly before she went on the run, who told her about her suspicions about the children being held as patients in the asylum. It is later shown that Lorraine took her suspicions to heart, leading her to contact Baron DeRoss.
  • Mr. Exposition: Is the one to both outright state that Kurt is a delusional schizophrenic, and reveal that he was, at one point, a patient in the White Sand Street Asylum.
  • Parental Substitute: Believed it was her role to play this role to the child patients in the asylum. Dolores was shown to have trusted her enough to confide in her.

     Sam Bourbon

Sam Bourbon

Demi's foster brother and apparent founder and owner of Bourbon's Bar. Accepted an invitation to attend a game at Oletus Manor and never returned, prompting his sister to search for him.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Kept the recipe for Dovlin, and how he made/acquired it a secret from his sister, and later travelled to Oletus Manor, presumably to become either a Survivor or a Hunter, implying that he may have been committed some form of sin, or possessed a connection to some sort of unspecified event.
    • If he was the one who wrote the invitations alluded to in Jose's 2021 Character Day letter then it's possible that he may have been trying to sabotage the other Survivors. At the same time, if we presume that Sam wasn't a Survivor in Jose's game, it's also possible that he may have been working with Baron DeRoss.
  • Connected All Along: Jose's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that either he, or his sister, was an associate of the Baden family. The fact that the handwriting in the invitation containing Jose's codeword bore a resemblance to that of whichever of the siblings had signed off on ledgers of goods implies that one of them was involved in the First Officer's game.
  • Nice Hat: Demi's character trailer shows that he wore a cowboy hat.
  • Promotion to Parent: Raised his little sister following their mother's death.
  • Saloon Owner: Implied to have been his occupation.
  • Uncertain Doom: Was invited to the manor, but is not currently a survivor or killer. His exact fate is currently unknown.

     Arthur Russell

A mysterious man with an unclear connection to certain survivors. Appears to be a higher up in an organisation that specialises in investigation and, possibly, assassination.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Well, there's the fact that he appears to have a Professional Killer at his disposal...
  • Private Detective: The implied profession of the "surveyors" under his employ.
  • The Spook: For as little as we know about the exact nature of his services, we know even less about him as a person.


An army officer and Michiko's husband. He is currently trying to find her after refusing to believe his father's lie that she ran off with another man.

  • Connected All Along: Originally assumed to be little more than a Satellite Love Interest for his wife, the Geisha's 2021 Character Day letter reveals that Miles may be connected to the Coordinator, on top of already possessing an implied connection to the Female Dancer and the Feaster.
  • Happily Married: Was this with Michiko prior to her murder.
  • I Will Find You: Has been searching for his missing wife ever since her disappearance/murder.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means "soldier" which is fitting considering his position as an army officer.
  • Uncertain Doom: Assuming that the "Mr. Donnelly" Eugene contacts in Michiko's 2020 Character Day letter is his aforementioned father, Miles may have ended up in trouble with the law.
    • Michiko's 2021 Character Day letter, meanwhile, implies that he may have decided to travel to the manor at some point...


The former Ringmaster of the Hullabaloo Circus and Murro's uncle.

  • Abusive Parents: Kept his nephew locked up in a cage for ten years and then forced him to perform dangerous stunts.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Just like everyone else who was associated with the Hullabaloo Circus, he could be the one responsible for the massacre that occurred there (though Mike's deductions make this unlikely).
    • It's also unclear if he is actually Murro's biological uncle, or if the latter is just another child that he took in and raised to be a circus performer.
  • Evil Uncle: Murro's uncle, and the man responsible for all the hardships he faced in his life. It is unclear if the two are actually related by blood, however.
  • Parental Substitute: Given that there is no mention of his parents in his deductions, Bernard was this to Murro. He was implied to be this to Mike as well.
  • Repulsive Ringmaster: Given how he treated his nephew. It is also possible that he abused the other members of the circus as well.


The owner of a freak show that Violetta used to perform at and someone she considered to be her father figure.

  • Abusive Parents
  • Bad Boss
  • Greed: Mainly ran the freak show to make money and would sell off attractions when the audience lost interest in them.
  • Jerkass: Abused most, if not all, of the people who performed in his freak show.
  • Parental Substitute: How Violetta saw him. Given that he ended up eventually selling her once she stopped being useful to him, the feeling clearly wasn't mutual.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Sold Violetta to another freak show or circus once the audience lost interest in her.

     "Big Daddy"

The leader of a criminal organization whose identity is currently unknown.

  • Blackmail: It is implied that he had Victor deliver threats and bribes to a police officer in order to keep him silent.
  • The Don
  • London Gangster
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: We currently have no idea what his true name is.

     Count Barriere

A man of high standing with an unclear connection to certain Survivors and Hunters. Former owner of both Moon River Park and the Golden Cave.

  • Hidden Agenda Villain: While we don't quite know if he is a villain, he definitely appears to be up to something.
    • A more specific example would be his interest in the Golden Cave (the site of Norton's trauma). The blurb attached to the map reveals that the Count got everything he wanted from the land, despite the fact that not a single piece of gold was ever found.
  • The Spook: Possibly even more so than Baron DeRoss and Arthur Russell.

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